Puppy care

Puppy care

 Newborn puppy care It takes time, certain knowledge and skills. It is necessary to prepare in advance for the appearance of babies. 1. Preparing the nest. The place for babies should be warm, well lit, dry, protected from drafts and located in a quiet place where newborns will not be disturbed by people. 2. An ideal choice for a kennel is a box or crate that is the right size (the bitch should be able to stretch out, settle down to feed and rest with the puppies). At the bottom of the box, place a mattress protected from contamination by two pillowcases – the first of water-repellent fabric, and the second of ordinary cotton, calico, chintz, etc. Disposable absorbent diapers can also be used instead of pillowcases. The temperature in the house should be 30 – 32 degrees. 

Hypothermia or overheating can lead to the death of puppies!

 3. Puppies are born deaf, blind and helpless. They cannot walk, and they also do not have a developed nervous system and thermoregulation. 4. In the third week, the puppies open their auditory canals. There is no need to control this process. but you can test your hearing by snapping your fingers near each ear and see how the puppy reacts. 5. 12 – 15th day of life of puppies is significant in that their eyes begin to open. Don’t be alarmed: at first they are cloudy and blue – this is normal, on the 17th – 18th week they will begin to darken and become clearer. The eyes may not fully open immediately, in any case, do not help the puppy open them. Your task is to ensure that there are no redness or purulent discharge. 6. At the beginning of the 4th week of life, puppies get teeth. 

Hygienic care for newborn puppies

The bitch always licks the puppy after feeding, massaging the crotch area and stomach with her tongue so that the puppy goes to the toilet. Such care for babies is necessary due to the fact that until a certain age they do not know how to defecate on their own. If the bitch refuses to lick the puppies, you must take on the role of mother. Wrap cotton wool soaked in warm water around your finger and massage the puppy’s anus and stomach in a clockwise circular motion. When the puppy relieves, gently wipe it with cotton wool or gauze soaked in warm water and dry it with a soft towel. In the third week of life, puppies begin to defecate on their own. During this period, the kids instinctively begin to crawl into the far corner of their house to relieve themselves. The bitch usually cleans up after them herself, otherwise, you yourself have to keep the house clean. In the early days, watch the umbilical residue. Normally, it dries quickly and disappears after a few days. If suddenly a rash, redness, crusts appear in the umbilical cord area, treat the navel with brilliant green. To keep the bitch safe, babies need to trim the claws of puppies regularly; they are sharp and can injure the bitch. You can cut off the sharp tip with nail scissors. The 8th week of a puppy’s life is the beginning of the socialization period. Babies are no longer dependent on their mother, they are already accustomed to solid food, initially vaccinated and ready to move to a new home.

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