Do turtles have ears, can they hear or are they deaf?
Among pet lovers there are people who keep turtles in the apartment. Slow and wordless, how do they perceive the world around them? Finding out how a turtle feels in an unusual environment…
How and how often to change the water in an aquarium with a red-eared turtle
Changing the fluid in the aquarium is an important and mandatory process that has a number of nuances. We will figure out how to properly change the water in an aquarium with red-eared…
How long can a red-eared turtle be without water, how long will it live on land
The red-eared turtle can be without water for 2-3 hours. Cases have been recorded when the animal hid on land for 1-2 days. However, it cannot live completely on land, so a long…
How to play with a turtle, can it be trained
Turtle training is a long, tedious and not always rewarding business. These animals are less intelligent than mammals. Therefore, you should not demand from them more than what they are capable of. Training…
Water temperature for red-eared turtles in an aquarium, how many degrees are optimal?
The optimal water temperature in the aquarium for comfortable keeping of the red-eared turtle at home Curious, but sedentary aquatic turtles love to bask in the warm rays of the sun on the…
Why do people keep turtles at home
Turtles belong to the class of reptiles. Their behavior and tameness are different from those exhibited by cats or dogs. People keep turtles at home, not expecting miracles of learning and devotion from…
Filter in an aquarium with a red-eared turtle: selection, installation and use
Rapid water pollution is an inevitable problem when keeping red-eared turtles. These pets eat protein food, the remains of which soon deteriorate in the water, but the main difficulty is the abundant waste…
How long can a turtle (red-eared and terrestrial) not eat, how long can they live without food at home
Turtles are sometimes referred to as “reptile camels” due to their extraordinary endurance. Rumor has it that they can starve and not drink for months and even years. Whether this is true or…
What do marsh turtles eat, how to feed at home
At home, marsh turtles eat mainly fish (2/3 of the diet), as well as beef and chicken offal. To a lesser extent, they are given vegetable food – leaves of dandelions, lettuce and…
Turtle Aquarium Care: Cleaning and Maintenance
For the maintenance of red-eared and other water turtles, it is necessary to equip a special terrarium with a rather complex device. But it is equally important to learn how to monitor its…