Choosing a cage (showcase) for a chinchilla – dimensions, materials, cost
Шиншилла — активный и любознательный грызун. Ей категорически нельзя оставаться в квартире без присмотра, поэтому большую часть времени зверек проводит закрытым. Чтобы питомец был здоров и чувствовал себя комфортно, следует уделить особое внимание…
How guinea pigs see our world, features of the vision of a rodent
If we compare the hearing and smell of a guinea pig, then we can say about vision that it is unimportant, like all rodents. So how do guinea pigs see our world? Objects…
Guinea pig and cat in the same house: will a cat get along with a rodent?
Many people have two or more pets at home. Often these are animals of the same species, such as dogs of the same or different breeds. But sometimes a somewhat exotic tandem happens,…
Can guinea pigs swim in water?
Keeping guinea pigs at home involves periodic walks of the animal around the house or lawns. Due to the fact that these rodents are tame, they easily navigate the terrain and have a…
Is it possible to give guinea pigs cabbage white, cauliflower and Beijing
Many novice “pig breeders” in search of an optimal and varied diet for their pets are wondering if guinea pigs can have cabbage. Indeed, in different sources you can encounter conflicting information, to…
Chinchilla diseases: symptoms and treatment of common diseases at home
Domestic chinchillas inherited good health from their wild relatives living in a cool mountain climate. At home, chinchilla diseases often occur when the optimal microclimate and proper nutrition of funny pets are violated.…
Dental problems in chinchillas: malocclusion, grinding, tooth loss and extraction
Chinchillas are exotic rodents whose teeth grow throughout their lives. In case of improper erasure of teeth, regular grinding of teeth in chinchillas is used, thanks to which the animal can fully eat…
Is it possible to walk a guinea pig on the street
Keeping a guinea pig is pretty easy. There is no need to purchase a complex cage or terrarium. But for a loving breeder, the comfort of a pet is important, he will certainly…
Why a guinea pig jumps, twitches and shakes its head – popcorning (video)
Features of rodents manage to surprise even experienced breeders, and beginners completely come to a screeching halt, trying to figure out why the guinea pig jumps, twitches and shakes its head. Faced with…
How can you bathe a guinea pig at home: how to wash and how often should you bathe in the water
Soon after buying a new pet, the question often arises of how to wash a guinea pig. Sometimes the animal is purchased at a pet store where the conditions were not ideal, or…