What to do if a chinchilla sneezes, coughs or has a cold
Chinchilla is a wonderful soft friend, communication with which brings a lot of pleasure to loving owners. The fluffy animal is distinguished by good health, but if the conditions of maintenance and care…
Running wheel for chinchilla: types, materials, DIY
A running wheel for a chinchilla is an important attribute of her daily life, which is also responsible for the pet’s health. In a cage, the animal should not be bored, because the…
House for a chinchilla: choosing a finished one or creating it yourself – manufacturing materials, photos, drawings and dimensions
A house for a chinchilla is a place where she can retire and sleep Among the various items and accessories in pet stores, you can see a variety of houses for chinchillas. How…
Allergy to chinchilla in a child and an adult, are there hypoallergenic chinchillas
Содержать шиншилл дома стали практиковать не так давно. Этого зверька предпочитают заводить те, кто страдает аллергическими реакциями при контакте с другими животными. Считается, что шиншилла гипоаллергенна. Продукты ее жизнедеятельности содержат минимум белков, вызывающих…
Chinchilla size: table of weight and height by months from babies to adults
One of the indicators of health and normal development is the weight and size of the chinchilla, which is kept at home. Zoologists compared data from a large number of healthy rodents. Thanks…
Eye diseases in chinchillas: suppuration, white discharge, cataracts and conjunctivitis
Chinchillas, unlike artificially bred domestic rodents, are distinguished by strong immunity, which, for a fairly long life of a pet, protects the animal from many infectious and non-contagious diseases. Improper feeding and violation…
How to comb a chinchilla with a comb, hair care
Grooming for most pets involves careful coat care. Luxurious chinchilla coat also requires special attention. Despite the fact that these rodents are extremely clean, sometimes they need the help of their owners. Is…
How to bathe a chinchilla: water and sand as a means of washing a rodent at home
To understand how to bathe chinchillas correctly, it is logical to focus on the animal’s habits and climatic conditions in their natural habitat. The historical homeland of the rodent is the highlands of…
How to train a chinchilla at home
Thanks to their luxurious coat and cute muzzle, chinchillas are perceived as decorative animals. With a closer acquaintance with the pet, the owners are surprised at the curiosity and ingenuity of these rodents.…
What branches can be given to a chinchilla (trees)
The diet of rodents should be varied, so you need to add greens and young shoots to it. However, before filling the feeder, you should figure out which branches can be given to…