Can guinea pigs eat seeds and nuts?
The diet of guinea pigs consists of several parts, so the owners have to carefully control the list of products allowed for rodents. It is useful to find out in advance whether it…
The largest guinea pig is called kui (description and photo)
Kui is the name of the largest guinea pig in the world. The dimensions of this giant pig correspond to the dimensions of an adult rabbit. In Latin America, a large rodent is…
Can guinea pigs eat apples and pears?
During the fruit season, many people have an abundance of sweet fruits on their tables. Some of them are allowed for rodents, so owners often want to offer their pet a treat: give…
Can guinea pigs eat dandelions and how much?
Dandelions for guinea pigs are a food that helps diversify the menu, making it more healthy. Juicy food, which includes a spring flower, is eaten by rodents with great pleasure. To properly feed…
Leash and harness for a guinea pig, how to choose or do it yourself
Walking outdoors is beneficial to all living beings. But rodents are very shy. They may get scared and run away, hide in such a way that it will be difficult to find them.…
What guinea pigs die from at home: signs and causes of sudden death
Guinea pigs delight their owners with their responsive nature and touching affection all their lives. Unfortunately, funny pets do not live very long by human standards, about 5-8 years. Why do guinea pigs…
Can a guinea pig live alone or is it better to keep a couple?
Before you get a four-legged pet, you need to find out: he prefers company or loneliness; who will be his best companion; how many animals can be kept together. Can a guinea pig…
Is it possible for guinea pigs to eat zucchini, how much to give them
The diet of a guinea pig includes many permitted vegetables. There are squash fruits in this list, however, you need to familiarize yourself with the selection criteria and the features of food processing…
Is it possible for guinea pigs to dill and parsley and in what quantity
Herbivorous pets are fed only plant foods, but many pet owners want to diversify the animals’ diet by feeding them dill and parsley. In order not to harm your health, you need to…
All you need for a guinea pig – accessories list
In modern pet stores you can find everything for guinea pigs – various companies present a wide variety of accessories and toys. Many of them are necessary items, without which it is impossible…