Characteristics of Odis dog breed
Country of origin | Ukraine |
The size | small, medium |
Growth | 33-39 cm |
Weight | 6–10 kg |
Age | up to 15 years |
FCI breed group | Not recognized |
Brief information
- Home companion;
- Energetic and playful;
- People Oriented
Odis is a fairly young breed of dog, its breeding began in the 1970s in Odessa. Interestingly, the prototype of odis is South Russian Shepherd Dog. Breeders dreamed of a small white dog that would look like her. To breed such a breed, they crossed maltese, fox terrier and dwarf poodle. The result exceeded all expectations. In 2004, the breed was officially recognized by the Kennel Union of Ukraine.
By the way, the name “odis” stands for “Odessa domestic ideal dog”. Ambitious? Not at all! – Breeders and breeders of dogs of this breed are sure.
Indeed, the odis has all the qualities of a companion dog. These are unpretentious, devoted and very sociable animals. They are people-oriented and are perfect for both families with children and a single person.
Odis knows how to adapt to his master. If he is not in the mood, the pet will not bother him. But, if the owner takes the initiative and offers the dog a game, she definitely will not refuse. Representatives of the breed love all kinds of entertainment, running and long walks. However, they also love to lie quietly at the feet of the owner in the evening.

Despite its small size, Odis is a brave and courageous dog that, in case of danger, will not hesitate for a second and rush to protect his family.
On the street, Odis behaves calmly, rarely reacts to passers-by and animals. They are kind and friendly pets. However, the dog is wary of strangers. True, this indifference does not last so long. As soon as the odis realizes that the person is not dangerous and is positive, he will certainly want to get to know him better.By the way, Odis gets along well with animals in the house. He is non-confrontational and able to compromise if necessary.
Odis is smart, its easy and niceOdis Care
Odis has a long coat with a dense undercoat. To maintain a well-groomed appearance, the dog needs comb at least five minutes every day. Also, the pet needs frequent bathing about once a month. eyes and teeth should be inspected at least once a week and cleaned as needed.
Odis is a young breed, but during its breeding, not a single genetic disease was discovered. These are healthy animals with strong immunity.
Conditions of detention
Representatives of this breed are very mobile and playful. At the same time, they are quite comfortable living in a small apartment. But this ideal city dweller needs long active walks. You can play sports and travel with it, Odis will be happy to accompany his beloved owner everywhere.
Odis – Video