moss saline
Solenostoma moss, scientific name Solenostoma tetragonum. This “deciduous” moss is widespread in tropical and subtropical Asia. It grows everywhere in places with high humidity, fixing on various surfaces, such as snags, rocks, stones.
It is often erroneously marketed under the name Pearl Moss, under which a similar species of fern, Heteroscyphus zollingeri, is actually supplied. The confusion was only resolved in 2011, but naming inaccuracies still occur occasionally.
Moss forms dense clusters, consisting of individual weakly branching sprouts with rounded leaves of saturated green color. Suitable for small aquariums.
It is not a fully aquatic plant, but is able to stay under water for a long time. Recommended for use in paludariums in marginal environments, such as partially submerged driftwood. Cannot be planted in open ground!
The moss content of the solenostomy is quite simple, if the following conditions are met: warm, soft, slightly acidic water, moderate or high degree of illumination. Even in a favorable environment, it grows very slowly.