Mayaka river
Mayaca river, scientific name Mayaca fluviatilis. The plant is native to subtropical and tropical America. The natural habitat extends from the southeastern states of the United States to the server regions of Argentina. It occurs everywhere in stagnant water bodies (lakes, swamps) along the water’s edge and along the banks of streams and rivers.
It looks like moss. It has a thin curving long stem, dotted with narrow bright green needle-shaped leaves. It grows fast, actively branches and produces many side shoots, which makes it necessary to carry out regular pruning.
Mayaka river prefers soft acidic water. However, it can also grow in medium hard water. It is necessary to provide nutrient soil. It is advisable to use special aquarium soil. Additional management of carbon dioxide and top dressing with a high iron content is welcome. The lack of this trace element leads to a loss of color, the leaves become pale.