Lighthouse selloviniana
Mayaca sellowiniana, scientific name Mayaca sellowiana. This ornamental plant is native to tropical South America. It grows along the banks of reservoirs on a moist substrate and submerged in shallow water.
The name is often found in aquarium literature and when sold in pet stores. However, under it, as a rule, a completely different type of plant is supplied – Rotala sp. “Nanjenshan”. The confusion arose due to the fact that some varieties of Rotala were erroneously labeled as Mayaca sellowiana from Taiwanese nurseries.
True Mayaka selloviniana is less common and differs markedly from Rotala nanenshan. It has a tall erect stem, densely covered with thin needle-shaped leaves of bright green color. Leaflets are alternately arranged close to each other, usually one on each whorl.
Optimal growth conditions are achieved in soft, acidic water with high levels of light and supplemental carbon dioxide. As a primer, it is recommended to use special aquarium soil rich in trace elements.