Characteristics of Mandalay
Country of origin | New Zealand |
Wool type | Shorthair |
Height | 25-32 cm |
Weight | 4-6 kg |
Age | up to 20 years |
Brief information
- Deep dark coat color;
- Bright amber eyes;
- Good-natured;
- Good health.
Origin story
Mandalays came into being through two happy accidents. First: the ancestors of the breed were born in New Zealand in the middle of the last century as a result of unauthorized love of the owner ‘s Burmese cat with yard cats. The second is that the offspring of a spree cat got to experienced breeders, who immediately saw great potential in unusual kittens. And the selection of a new breed began. The main goal was to consolidate a uniform deep dark color, which was to become the main distinguishing feature of the breed.
For breeding work, animals of the Burmese, Siamese and Abyssinian breeds were used , as well as outbred cats of the desired color. According to available sources, the breed first appeared in the early 70s. And only in 1990 cats were presented at the exhibition. The “publication” did not go unnoticed. He immediately gave them public recognition and official breed status. It received the name Mandalay after the name of the former main city of the Burmese Empire.
Interestingly, in the United Kingdom, such cats are classified as an Asian class and are called the Asian Bombay. And in Australia they are also called the Australian Bombay.
Okay cat, medium size, sexual type is pronounced – cats are always larger. A sort of mini-panther with a strong, flexible body, short neck, neat small head. The hind legs are somewhat longer than the front. The ears are of medium size, set wide apart, sloping towards the nose. The eyes are large, round, bright amber. The tail is short, broad at the base and tapering towards the tip. The coat is similar to mink fur – short, very thick and silky to the touch. It has a rich, and most importantly, uniform dark color. Mandalays are jet black (anthracite), blue-black (raven) and dark brown (bitter chocolate).
These animals are considered long-lived, with proper care they can live up to 20 years or more. Yard ancestors gave them good health and good immunity, as well as endurance and unpretentiousness.

Friendly, calm, playful, curious cats. They feel great in both small and large families. They endure active young children without showing aggression. They are not subject to stress, they easily tolerate moving and the appearance of new pets. They quickly make friends with dogs, but it is better to isolate rodents and birds from them. You can teach to walk in a harness (of course, ammunition must be reliable and suitable in size).
Mandalay Care
You can’t spoil the natural beauty in any way – mandalays do not need special care. Sometimes (especially during shedding) treat the coat with a rubber brush and from time to time wipe it with a suede cloth – and the cat will shine, shimmer and shine. You can bathe only if necessary, as well as clean your ears . But it is advisable to accustom a pet to brushing teeth from young claws. By the way, to trimming the claws – too. The yard ancestors, among other qualities, passed on to the mandalays and an excellent appetite. It is possible that the owners will have to limit portions – cats of this breed love to eat, which is fraught with obesity.
Conditions of detention
Mandalayas do not require any special conditions. Regular care, scheduled medical examinations and vaccinations , proper nutrition – this is the key to a cat’s health. For cat safety, windows should be covered with special nets that do not obscure the light, but prevent falling from a height. And for complete happiness and active longevity, you need soft beds, toys and, most importantly, the master’s love and care.
It is quite difficult to find such a kitten in Russia. There are no registered catteries yet. But in European countries, you can buy a small mandalay. You will have to spend about 1 thousand euros.
Mandalay – Video