Ludwigia Araguaia
Types of Aquarium Plants

Ludwigia Araguaia

Ludwigia Araguaia, scientific name Ludwigia inclinata var. Verticillata ‘Araguaia’. The plant comes from South America from the basin of the Araguay River of the same name, a large right tributary of the Amazon. It grows along the banks of rivers on moist soils, as well as completely submerged in water.

Ludwigia Araguaia

It is a natural (appeared in nature) variety of Ludwigia red. Outwardly, it is almost identical to another variety – Ludwigia Cuba, but differs in narrower leaves and less tendency to form side shoots.

In favorable conditions, it can exceed 50 cm in height. It forms an upright strong stem, on which are long (up to 5 cm) thin leaves of a light green color. Young leaves, located closer to the crown and on the corolla itself, have reddish or yellow hues.

Makes high growth demands. Needs bright light, soft acidic water and soil rich in trace elements. The introduction of carbon dioxide is necessary. If Ludwigia Araguaia is deficient in one of the listed components, then the leaves will lose their colors, becoming whitish.

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