Leukopenia in cats: symptoms and treatment

Leukopenia in cats: symptoms and treatment

In the blood of a cat, like in a human, leukocytes, or white blood cells, are contained. Their main function is to protect the body from infections, therefore, if the number of leukocytes in the blood falls, the animal’s immunity weakens. This process is called leukopenia. How to identify the disease and start treatment in time?

The formation of leukocytes occurs in the red bone marrow, which creates new cells in the body. In the normal state, the content of white blood cells in the blood of a cat is 5,5–19,5 × 109 cells / l. If the number of leukocytes falls below the minimum threshold, leukopenia occurs.

Leukopenia in cats: causes

In rare cases, leukopenia can be hereditary, or primary, that is, not dependent on any external factors. Its development is due to disturbances in the work of the bone marrow, due to which it is not able to produce the required number of leukocytes. The most common causes of leukopenia are:

  • bone marrow disease,
  • panleukopenia,
  • immunodeficiency virus,
  • peritonitis,
  • taking drugs based on glucocorticosteroids,
  • anemia,
  • lung pathology,
  • acute course of kidney and liver diseases.

In the later stages of the disease, there may be blood in the vomit. In advanced cases, secondary diseases can develop, because the cat’s immunity is not able to resist pathogenic bacteria and microbes.

Leukopenia in cats: treatment

The main indicator for the diagnosis of leukopenia is the content of leukocytes in the blood, therefore, first of all, a general blood test is performed. With its help, you can detect the disease at the earliest stages. Other tests, such as an ultrasound or urinalysis, are done to determine the cause of the illness.

Primary leukopenia is incurable, therefore, in this case, treatment will be aimed at eliminating the symptoms and stabilizing the cat’s condition. If leukopenia developed against the background of other diseases, it will be necessary to eliminate the cause of the decrease in leukocytes. During treatment, the cat should be isolated, she will need rest and a special diet that does not burden the stomach.

Preventive measures

To reduce the risk of developing leukopenia in a cat, you should:

  • regularly undergo examinations at a veterinary clinic and do the necessary vaccinations;
  • balance the nutrition of the pet, make sure that he gets all the vitamins and minerals he needs;
  • limit the cat’s self-walking and its interaction with other people’s animals;
  • protect the animal from stress.

It is important to take tests annually in order to detect deviations from the norm in time. If the cat is elderly or has chronic illnesses, tests should be taken at least once every 6 months.

See also:

  • Leukemia in a cat – symptoms of the virus and treatment
  • Cancer in cats: types, symptoms and treatment
  • Feline immunodeficiency virus: causes, symptoms, prognosis

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