Kintamani Bali Dog
Dog Breeds

Kintamani Bali Dog

Characteristics of Kintamani Bali Dog

Country of originIndonesia
The sizeAverage
Growthabout 50 cm
Weight12–15 kg
Age10–14 years old
FCI breed groupNot recognized
Kintamani Bali Dog Characteristics

Brief information

  • A unique animal that lives next to a person, but does not need him at all;
  • Extremely hard to train.

Origin story

The Bali mountain dog is a rather rare breed in the modern world, whose representatives, although they live next to a person, are not at all attached to him and do not need constant guardianship and care. A kind of wild dog Dingo. These are the so-called pariah dogs that have lived for centuries in the highlands of the Indonesian island of Bali next to a person, but not with him. Bali mountain dogs feed on carrion, eat waste near human settlements, and also hunt. This is one of the oldest breeds of dogs, perfectly adapted to the nature of Bali and perfectly surviving without the constant supervision of people. The breed is not recognized by international cynological organizations , does not have approved standards, but is quite common and popular in its homeland.


Typical mountain dogs of Bali are relatively small in stature and somewhat similar to Spitz. They have an elongated muzzle with a fairly wide forehead, medium-sized erect ears in the shape of a triangle, and a fluffy tail curled into a ring and thrown over their back. The paws are muscular, rather long, the fingers are gathered into a ball and appear rounded. The coat of these dogs is of medium length, small panties on the hind legs are clearly visible. The predominant color of mountain dogs in Bali is light – fawn, sand, white or gray. At the same time, the ears are of a more saturated tone than the paws or sides.


Bali mountain dogs are smart and resourceful, but they have a very independent character . They are not attached to a person, and the training of such an animal can take a lot of time, as well as require considerable effort from the owner. If you take a puppy into the house as a baby, it is quite possible to raise a dog that will consider the owner’s family to be its pack and happily return home, but it should be borne in mind that the pet can leave for the whole day and calmly walk alone.

Kintamani Bali Dog Care

Bali mountain dogs do not require care, they can perfectly take care of themselves. It should be borne in mind that representatives of the breed are not at all urban dogs, and in an apartment, among the noise of cars and crowds of people, they are unlikely to be able to exist normally. These animals have excellent health, which gave them centuries of selection in the wild. A really serious disease that threatens Bali’s population of proud and free-spirited mountain dogs is rabies, which is not known to have a cure. But timely vaccination will protect your pet from this disease.


It is advisable to keep a pet in free mode in a country house. If you take such a dog as a very small puppy, then, subject to serious training, you can bring up a city dweller from it. In this case, it is undesirable for the pet to go out into nature and contact with fellow tribesmen.


Since there is no special selection, there are no clubs or breeders. There is simply no one to buy a puppy from. But in Bali you can catch him and take him into the house. We will only have to solve all the issues with the export of the animal from the country.

Kintamani Bali Dog – Video

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