Is loud music bad for dogs?

Is loud music bad for dogs?

Many of us love to listen to music. Some people like to do it at maximum volume. However, dog owners should consider how loud music affects dogs’ hearing and whether it harms their pets.

Is loud music bad for dogs?

In fact, too loud music is harmful not only for dogs, but also for people. Constant listening to loud music impairs hearing acuity. Doctors believe that it is safe to listen to loud music for no more than 2 hours a day. What about dogs?

Oddly enough, some dogs don’t seem to be bothered by loud music. The speakers can vibrate from the sounds they make, the neighbors go crazy, and the dog doesn’t even lead by ear. But is everything so rosy?

Veterinarians have come to the conclusion that there is still harm to loud music for dogs. Worst of all accounts for the eardrums and auditory ossicles.

But what does too loud music mean for dogs? Our ears are adversely affected by sound levels of 85 decibels and above. This is approximately the volume of a running lawn mower. For comparison: the volume of sound at rock concerts is approximately 120 decibels. Dogs have more sensitive hearing than we do. That is, to understand what your four-legged friend is experiencing, amplify what you hear by 4 times.

Not all dogs react negatively to loud music. But if your pet shows signs of discomfort (worrying, moving from place to place, whining, barking, etc.), you should still treat him with respect and either provide a cozy quiet place while you enjoy the music, or turn down the volume. After all, headphones have already been invented.

Otherwise, you risk that the dog’s hearing will deteriorate. Until the onset of deafness. And this is not only unpleasant for the dog, but also dangerous.

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