Is it possible for guinea pigs to dill and parsley and in what quantity

Herbivorous pets are fed only plant foods, but many pet owners want to diversify the animals’ diet by feeding them dill and parsley. In order not to harm your health, you need to know if these plant foods are allowed for a guinea pig.
The fragrant plant is rich in such biologically active substances as carotene, ascorbic acid and mineral salts. If you give guinea pigs dill, then in small quantities it will help normalize digestion. Despite this, it is necessary to feed the pet with fragrant and juicy branches moderately, offering 1-1 stems for 2 feeding. Dill guinea pigs are not recommended to enter the menu during pregnancy and lactation. Contraindications also include gastrointestinal upset.

Video: Guinea pigs eat dill
Parsley helps guinea pigs to enrich the body with such components:
- vitamins A, C and PP;
- mineral salts;
- ether.
You can give parsley to guinea pigs in the form of a root and stems along with leaves.
It is impossible to eat greens enriched with essential oils for females bearing offspring, since the components of the product provoke uterine contractions.

Herbivorous creatures are happy to eat fresh gifts from the garden. In order not to harm the health of the animal, the owner should offer him only those herbs that he himself has grown on his own plot.
Important! A crop sold in a store or market may contain nitrates that cause irreparable harm to a small ward.
About how herbs such as sorrel and dandelion affect the health of a pet, whether it is worth introducing them into the diet, we will tell in the materials “Is it possible to give a guinea pig flowers or dandelion leaves” and “Is it possible to give guinea pigs sorrel”.
Is it possible to give guinea pigs dill and parsley
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