How much does a hamster cost in a pet store, on the market and when buying from hand, prices for Djungarian and Syrian hamsters in different countries

How much does a hamster cost in a pet store, on the market and when buying from hand, prices for Djungarian and Syrian hamsters in different countries

How much does a hamster cost in a pet store, on the market and when buying from hand, prices for Djungarian and Syrian hamsters in different countries

Previously, no one thought about how much a hamster costs, rodents were considered so cheap pets. Thanks to their amazing fecundity, they are still being sold quite cheaply, and if you look for them, they are even free in good hands. But besides the animal itself, you will have to spend money on organizing its life.

The price of a hamster depends on many factors:

  • place of purchase;
  • type and breed of animal;
  • color.

The spread in cost is enormous: after all, each “breeder” sets the price himself. It will be higher in regions with high wages, where people can afford a more expensive purchase. But the price of the Djungarian hamster has never been high, unlike larger rodents (guinea pig, chinchilla, rabbit).

A rodent of a rare color can cost more than usual. The Syrians are especially distinguished by the variety of colors. Their natural color is golden, and among the decorative ones there are individuals of yellow, chocolate, gray color. A black or white hamster looks spectacular and is highly valued. Jungars have fewer variations. Red color (mandarin) and white (pearl) are considered unusual.

The gender of the hamsters does not affect the cost, and sometimes the seller himself does not know which of the babies is a boy and which is a girl. It is not uncommon for a tragicomic situation when a well-fed male brought offspring. The breed is important only for professional breeders, and it happens on the market that Campbell’s hamster is sold under the guise of a Dzungarian. The so-called “Angora hamster” is an ordinary Syrian with long hair.

How much does a hamster cost in a pet store

The cheapest option is to take a rodent from your hands or in a bird market. A small jungarik can also get for free if an unwanted and unexpected offspring is attached. On the market, the price will not be high, but there will be more choice. But in both cases, hamsters can have serious health problems due to improper maintenance, and with genetics (most often such animals are the result of inbreeding). It is necessary with great responsibility to approach the right choice of a hamster.

It is better to go to the bird market without children, otherwise the seller may unreasonably raise the price when he sees that a particular cub has liked the child.

In pet stores, the pedigree of babies is also unknown, but the animals are usually healthy and well-groomed. The price of hamsters there will be approximately the same, and is known in advance (bargaining is inappropriate).

Another option for acquiring a rodent is from professional breeders. With the spread of the Internet, this method is gaining popularity. The price of a Syrian or Djungarian hamster with a metric and a pedigree will be higher than on the market or in a store. But the young are accustomed to the hands, the colors are striking in variety, the animals are beautiful and healthy.

A young female will not be puzzled by an unexpected pregnancy due to the separate keeping of hamsters. Often the breeder gives the new owner a do’s and don’ts list, recommendations for maintenance and feeding.

Nurseries inflate the price not only because they are trying to recoup the cost of keeping animals and exhibitions. The relatively high cost is a kind of “protective duty”, a guarantee of the good faith of the buyer. So the breeder can be sure that the hamsters will not go to feed the snakes, but will find loving owners. The willingness to pay a tangible amount for the animal proves solvency and a responsible attitude.

How much is a Syrian hamster

CountryPrice on the market Price in a pet store Price in the nursery
Russia100-300 руб.300-500 руб.400-1000 руб.
Belarus4-5 white rub.5-7 Bel. rub.5-10 white rub.
Ukraine30-50 gr.60-70 gr.100-150 gr.
Kazakhstan500 tg.1000-1500 tenge.2000-5000 tenge.

How much is a Djungarian hamster

CountryPrice on the market Price in 300 storesPrice in the nursery
Russia50-200 руб.200-350 руб.300-500 руб.
Belarus1-3 white rub.3-5 Bel. rub.4-7 white rub.
Ukraine5-50 gr.50 gr.100 gr.
Kazakhstan200-500 tenge.1000-2000 tenge.3000-4000 tenge.

In Kazakhstan, hamsters are not highly valued: 100 tenge is 18 rubles, so a jungarik will be sold on the market for less than 50 rubles. In Belarus, animals are also cheaper than in Russia: 1 Belarusian ruble – about 30 Russian rubles, the minimum price of a rodent in the bird market. 50 hryvnia – the average price of dwarfs in Ukraine, about 116 rubles.

One gets the impression that in Russia the prices for hamsters are the highest, especially in large cities. This is especially true for rare species of rodents: a Roborovsky hamster will cost at least 300 rubles, since these tiny animals are reluctant to breed in captivity, and are not as common as pets.


It cannot be said that a hamster is an expensive pet to keep, but it requires certain costs: food, filler, mineral stone, treats, vitamins, bathing sand, a drinking bowl and other accessories.

Some people find it acceptable to keep a hamster in a glass jar and feed it with table scraps. In this case, the costs tend to zero, as well as the health and happiness of a small pet. If, however, a comfortable habitat is created for the rodent, the expenses will be ten times more than the cost of the animal itself, taking into account how much the jungarik costs on the market. A good hamster cage is not cheap.

The cost of the cage and accessories

AccessoryPrice, rub.)
Cell2000-5000 p. An option like “Hamster Metro” (firm Savic) costs more than 9000 r., but already equipped with a house, a bowl, drinker and entertainment complex.
Drinker100-400 руб.
Wheel200-700 руб.
walking ball300-800 руб.
Corn filler400-600 руб.
Premium Hamster Food600-800 руб.
Total3600-8300 руб.

One appointment with a veterinarian specializing in rodents in Moscow costs 800-1500 rubles, and this does not include the cost of medicines or additional procedures. If a tiny rodent needs a caesarean section, removal of a tumor, or amputation of a paw, the cost of the operation will be no lower, and sometimes even higher, than for cat dogs. If you are not ready to bear the additional costs, you should think again: should you get a hamster?


Although the cost of a hamster is small, in the eyes of the owner, he acquires a value that cannot be measured in money. A real, lively, fluffy animal delights children, and touches adults with its habits. For many, the hamster has become the first pet. If the animal gets sick or dies, do not devalue the sincere grief experienced by the little owner. We can say that it was an ordinary hamster, that we will buy another, at least five. But to measure the value of a living being by the money spent on it is wrong.

How much do hamsters cost?

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