Inle Lake Shrimp
Aquarium Invertebrate Species

Inle Lake Shrimp

The Inle Lake Shrimp (Macrobrachium sp. “Inle-See”) belongs to the Palaemonidae family. It comes from the lake of the same name lost in the expanses of Southeast Asia. Refers to carnivorous species, prefers protein foods. Differs in modest size, rarely exceeding 3 cm. The color of the body is predominantly light, even transparent with a pattern of reddish stripes of various shapes.

Inle Lake Shrimp

Inle Lake Shrimp Inle Lake shrimp, belongs to the Palaemonidae family

Macrobrachium sp. «Inle-See»

Macrobrachium sp. “Inle-See”, belongs to the family Palaemonidae

Maintenance and care

Sharing with fish of a similar or slightly larger size is allowed. The design should include areas with dense vegetation and places to hide during molting, such as driftwood, tree fragments, intertwined roots, etc.

They are not often found in hobby aquariums due to their diet. Usually shrimp are used as aquarium orderlies to remove uneaten food debris, but in this case they need to be fed separately if the fish’s diet is different. They feed on small worms, snails and other mollusks, including their own offspring. It is worth noting that Inle Lake shrimp can also accept other types of food, but this does not have the best effect on their health, there are problems with reproduction.

Optimal conditions of detention

General hardness – 5–9°dGH

Value pH — 6.0–7.5

Temperature — 25–29°С

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