How to walk with a ferret?

How to walk with a ferret?

Walking ferrets is not necessary, but it is very good for their health and just for a joyful pastime. Ferrets are inquisitive and hyperactive pets, and the street – with its spaciousness and unfamiliar smells – is a real paradise for them. But in order for the walks to benefit the animal, and not to harm, several rules must be observed.

1. Walking a ferret is possible only after a scheduled vaccination and a quarantine period. Outdoors, unvaccinated pets can quickly pick up an infection or other disease. Don’t risk your health!

2. Experts recommend not walking ferrets under 9 months old. Their body is still developing, and the immune system is not working at full strength. It is safer to walk a ferret that has grown stronger, so you should not hurry with walks. 

3. Take for a walk only healthy animals with strong immunity. 

4. Protect your ferret from parasites. Picking up ticks or fleas on the street is easy. To prevent this from happening, treat it with a special anti-parasite agent (spray, drops, etc.). Strictly follow the instructions. 

5. Be sure to walk with a harness to prevent your pet from escaping. Ferrets are very fast and nimble. If your pet decides to chase “prey” or runs, frightened of something, it will be difficult for you to catch up with him. 

How to walk with a ferret?

6. Get used to the harness in advance. The first acquaintance of a ferret with a harness is always unpleasant. The animal will try to escape and remove this obstacle from itself. And it is better that this happens at home, and not on the street. Having bought a harness, put it on your ferret first at home. Let him get used to it, try to lead him around the apartment. Repeat the lesson several times. Even if the ferret continues to be stubborn, don’t be discouraged. Most likely, things will go better on the street: the domestic predator will enthusiastically begin to study the world around him and forget about the inconvenience.

7. Adjust the harness. It should not be too loose (otherwise the ferret will break out) and not too tight (otherwise the ferret will be painful to walk). Two fingers should fit between the straps and the body. 

8. Choose clean areas for walking, away from roads and dog walking areas. The ideal solution is quiet squares or parks with low traffic. It is better to deliver the ferret to the place of the walk in a special container so that it does not escape along the road. 

9. Walking with a ferret is possible all year round, except for days that are too hot or too cold. By the way, ferrets love not only green grass, but also snow. You will be touched for a long time when you first see with what pleasure the pet dives into the snowdrifts. If you plan to walk your ferret in the winter, be sure to take him for walks in the fall. So the body adapts to climate change, and the fur of the animal warms up. In winter, when t is below -15 ° C, it is better not to take the ferret outside. When you go out for a walk in winter, put a warm sweater in the carrying case. 

How to walk with a ferret?

10. Increase your walking time gradually, especially in winter. You can start from 10 minutes.  

11. When you get home, clean your ferret’s legs and inspect it for damage and parasites.

Useful walks!

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