How to teach your dog the wait command

How to teach your dog the wait command

The “Wait” command is necessary in the life of any dog, this is one of the components of the pet’s safety and your peace of mind. How do you teach a dog the “wait” command?

How to teach your dog the wait command

10 Rules for Teaching Your Dog the “Wait” Command

  1. Learning the “Wait” command begins in a calm, safe place with a minimum of irritants.
  2. Start by increasing the wait time, not by increasing the distance. When you begin teaching your dog the “Wait” command, it is important to be directly in front of the dog. You encourage the dog to take the desired position (for example, with the command “Sit” or “Lie”), then, with the command “Wait”, gradually increase the duration of the dog’s maintenance of this position.
  3. Only when the dog has absolutely understood what is required of it (sit or lie still, do not move), you begin to move away from the dog further and further.
  4. At the initial stage, almost continuously reward the dog for staying in place and not changing its posture, then the interval between rewards increases, and then you can switch to variable reinforcement.
  5. Periodically take your eyes off the dog so that he does not associate the “Wait” command with your vigilant control. Then you can turn sideways and back to the dog, go around it, disappear from view for a while (for example, go around the corner of the house or go around the tree), etc.
  6. Gradually add other stimuli.
  7. If the dog makes a mistake, do not be indignant and do not scold him. Just go back, fix your pet, and leave to wait again, but make the task a little easier (reduce waiting time or distance).
  8. Choose the reward that your dog is currently interested in.
  9. Always release the dog with an enabling command, such as “Everything” or “Walk.”
  10. And remember that the dog always wants to follow the owner, so the “Wait” command is a difficult task that requires remarkable self-control from it. Do not expect everything from your pet at once, give him time to learn.

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