Helanthium broadleaf
Helanthium broadleaf, scientific name Helanthium bolivianum “latifolius”. Previously called Echinodorus broadleaf or Echinodorus latifolius (Echinodorus latifolius). Former obsolete name
In the immersed state, the plant has narrow pointed leaves, and when it grows, it forms a low dense green “carpet”. This is what a lawn looks like. The appearance of this plant and the word “broad-leaved” should not be misleading, since it is comparative in relation to other species of the genus Helanthium (Helanthium). In comparison with it, for example, with tender Helanthium, this species really has wider leaves. In the surface position, the leaves acquire a different lanceolate shape on a long petiole.
It is considered a simple and unpretentious plant. Able to root in a variety of substrates: sand, small pebbles, gravel