Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Dog Breeds

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

Characteristics of Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

Country of originSwitzerland
The sizeLarge
Growth60–72 cm
Weight59–61 kg
Age10–12 years old
FCI breed groupPinschers and Schnauzers, Molossians, Mountain and Swiss Cattle Dogs
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Characteristics

Brief information

  • Good-natured and calm;
  • Fearless, ready to protect their master and family in any situation;
  • This is a working breed that is suitable for transporting goods and guarding houses, in addition, these dogs are excellent shepherds.


The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is an ancient breed of dog with a history of more than two thousand years. Her ancestors, according to scientists, are the mastiffs who accompanied the Roman conquerors, and the dogs that inhabited the territory of Switzerland at that time. At the same time, the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is not the only breed that appeared as a result of such a union. The Appenzeller Sennenhund , the mountain dog Entlebucher and the Bernese Mountain Dog are also their descendants. However, the big Swiss Mountain Dog appeared first, and the rest were formed with his participation. Interestingly, he also influenced Rottweilers and Spanish Mastiffs .

The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog has always been a working breed. It was used not only as guards and shepherds, but also for the transport of goods. These animals were especially popular during the Second World War.

Today, the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is most often kept as a companion, although in their homeland of Switzerland, these dogs still often help farmers.


Representatives of the breed are distinguished by good nature and calm disposition, they are balanced and reasonable. However, they cannot be called phlegmatic and melancholic. Dogs are active and energetic, they will gladly support any game. Even adults have puppy habits – they grow up, like many large dogs, rather slowly.

The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog has a sharp mind. Dogs are not easy to train , as some representatives of the breed can be very capricious, especially if they do not like the trainer’s approach. So the process of education will require effort and patience from the owner.

As a rule, the big mountain dog is friends with other animals in the house. Dogs can even get along with cats. But conflicts cannot be avoided with a nervous neighbor, although most often the sennenhound shows generosity and prefers to avoid open conflicts. A big mountain dog can become a devoted friend of a school-age child. Communication with younger children should take place under the supervision of adults: a large dog can accidentally injure a baby during active games.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Care

The short, dense coat of the Greater Mountain Dog does not require special care. It is enough to comb the dog every week with a stiff brush, and during the molting period – a couple of times a week. For this, a furminator is used.

Conditions of detention

The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog requires daily long walks and exercise. However, it is very strictly worth following the dog up to a year – do not allow it to exercise too intensely: excessive load can lead to severe joint injuries.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog – Video

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