Gastromison cornusacus
Aquarium Fish Species

Gastromison cornusacus

Gastromyzon cornusacus, scientific name Gastromyzon cornusaccus, belongs to the family Balitoridae (River loaches). Rarely found in the aquarium trade, distributed mainly among collectors. Endemic to a small area of ​​the island of Borneo at its northern tip is the Kudat region of the Malaysian state of Sabah. The river originates in the mountains of Kinabalu, which is part of the national park of the same name, considered one of the most unique ecologically and biologically diverse places on Earth. It is the belonging of Cornusacus to this amazing ecosystem that is the main value of this species among collectors.

Gastromison cornusacus

The coloring is rather dull. Young fish have a pattern of dark and cream blotches, adults are colored more evenly. Fins and tail are translucent with black markings.

Brief information:

The volume of the aquarium – from 80 liters.

Temperature – 20-24°C

Value pH — 6.0–8.0

Water hardness – soft (2-12 dGH)

Substrate type — stony

Lighting – moderate / bright

Brackish water – no

Water movement is strong

The size of the fish is 4–5.5 cm.

Nutrition – plant-based food, algae

Temperament – peaceful

Content in a group of at least 3–4 individuals

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