Egyptian Mau
Cat Breeds

Egyptian Mau

Egyptian Mau – Cleopatra in the world of cats. Charm is felt in every movement of the beauty. Beware: her spotted fur coat and burning eyes can drive you crazy!

Characteristics of Egyptian Mau

Country of originEgypt
Wool typeshorthair
Height29-32 cm
Weight3–6 kg
Age13–15 years old
Egyptian Mau Characteristics

Basic moments

  • Representatives of the breed have a developed hunting instinct, so you will have to monitor the safety of birds and rodents within a radius of several meters.
  • Egyptian Mau treat all family members with tenderness and love, and especially to the person who is considered the owner.
  • This breed is not sociable: Mau rarely make loud meows and love to “share” their opinions with the help of purrs.
  • “Egyptians” cope well with forced loneliness and do not play pranks in the absence of the owner.
  • Unlike most cats, Mau adore water and will keep company during a bath whenever possible.
  • Animals easily find a common language with other pets; they are no less friendly towards children.
  • Egyptian Mau feel uncomfortable in a small apartment, because they prefer to “live in a big way.”
  • Cats are unpretentious in care, but their maintenance is quite expensive.

The Egyptian Mau can be proud of the fact that her ancestors freely walked around the chambers of the pharaohs and were considered sacred animals. Royal nobility has been preserved in modern cats, living far from the majestic pyramids and sand dunes of Egypt. In ancient times, the beauties of the Mau were worshiped on a par with the gods. Now the cult has weakened, but few can resist the desire to pay their respects and gently touch the silky cat fur! A few thousand years ago, the Egyptian Mau managed to “tame” a person and win his admiration. To this day, these cats hold the title of one of the most magnificent breeds in the world.

History of the Egyptian Mau breed

Egyptian mau
Egyptian mau

The origin of beauties is rooted in the VI-V millennium BC. e. – the harsh era of the pharaohs, servile worship of the gods, trade in “human goods” and amazing unsanitary conditions. Egypt managed to become a rich and majestic country, despite the neighborhood of the desert and the regular floods of the Nile River. The ruling dynasties bathed in luxury and honor. Commoners, on the other hand, were forced to get along with unfriendly fauna – rats, poisonous snakes and insects – which made an already difficult life even more burdensome.

Fortunately for the Egyptians, not all animals were hostile. African cats – the future ancestors of the Mau – often came to modest settlements, destroyed parasites and left just as silently. Over time, the unexpected alliance strengthened. In gratitude for the help, the Egyptians rewarded cats with treats from their own food supplies and immortalized their noble appearance in art. Animals were allowed to enter the house, and soon they completely got used to the role of owners. This marked the beginning of the full domestication of African cats, which were used in hunting.

The first image of a domesticated cat found in a temple dates back to the 2nd millennium BC. e. At that time, animals played almost a central role in religion. The Egyptians believed that the main deity – the sun god Ra – turns into a cat, rising to the sky in the morning and descending underground in the evening, where Apophis, the god of chaos, is waiting for him every day, eager to fight with an opponent. In ancient drawings, Ra was often depicted in the guise of a huge spotted cat, tearing apart the enemy with sharp claws.

The connection of the four-legged beauties with the supreme god of the pantheon was also seen in their eyes. It was believed that the pupils of cats determine the position of the sun above the horizon: the wider they are, the lower the celestial body. In fact, the change in the size of the pupils is associated with their physiological feature, but in ancient times the incomprehensible nature of things was always explained by the intervention of higher powers.

From about the 1st millennium BC. e. cats were ranked as a cult of Bastet – the goddess of beauty, fertility and the hearth. She was depicted as a woman with the head of a cat, sometimes completely in the form of an animal. Temple attendants increasingly began to keep their four-legged companions with them – the living embodiment of Bastet. Cats roamed freely throughout the territory of the sanctuary, which was inaccessible to commoners. Forbidding anything to animals was considered almost a mortal sin: they knew how to speak with the gods and protected those who prayed from dark forces. Amulets with their image brought the owner good luck in love.

Egyptian Mau bronze color
Egyptian Mau bronze color

The sanctuary of Bastet – Bubastion – the Egyptians visited more often than others. Every day, believers handed over to the priests mummified cats, which were buried in separate rooms along with rodents and a vessel filled with milk. According to mythology, the animals entered the afterlife, where they met with Bastet and conveyed to her the requests of the pilgrims.

An amazing legend is also connected with the ancestors of the Egyptian Mau, which emphasizes the importance of cats. Thus, the Persian king Cambyses from the Achaemenid dynasty won an easy victory over the Egyptians in 525 BC. e. thanks to these animals. On his orders, the soldiers captured the cats and tied them to their shields. The fright of the sacred companions of Bastet was a decisive factor: the townspeople laid down their arms, because they did not want to harm the cats.

Despite the ancient origin, the history of the more modern descendants of the Egyptian Mau began in the 20th century, when European cat breeders decided to revive and breed a unique breed. The first mention of that time dates back to 1940, namely the publication in France of the memoirs Our Cat Friends. In them, Marcel Rene talked about the spotted animals that he brought from Egypt. Unfortunately, the events of World War II significantly reduced the number of Mau. The breed was on the verge of extinction and by the middle of the 20th century it had practically ceased to exist.

The repeated revival of the “Egyptians” turned out to be successful – largely due to the activities of Natalia Trubetskoy. The Russian princess emigrated to Italy during the war, where in 1953 she first met the magnificent spotted animals. They were presented as a gift by a Cairo. So, Trubetskaya became the mistress of Gregorio and Geppa of black and smoky colors, respectively, as well as a silver cat Lila. In the same year, the first babies were born, which the princess immediately announced to representatives of the Italian branch of the International Cat Organization (FIFe).

In 1955, luxurious beauties appeared at the Roman exhibition, where they made a splash. Three years later, Trubetskaya changed sultry Italy for the unexplored romance of the United States and took away several Mau – silver cats Baba and Lisa, as well as a bronze baby named Jojo. Thus, the first Mau nursery, Fatima, appeared in America, where, under the guidance of Princess Trubetskoy, a team of breeders began breeding Egyptian beauties. Then they decided to allow cats of smoky, bronze and silver colors to participate in exhibitions. Animals with black hair were left exclusively for breeding. Natalia Trubetskaya was engaged in the selection of kittens, as similar as possible to the ancient Egyptian cats from the frescoes.

All wards of the cattery “Fatima” were conditionally united into the traditional Mau line. In the future, the breed was divided into two more branches – Indian and Egyptian. Cats brought from the respective countries participated in their creation. The appearance of individual Mau suggested that American Shorthair cats were also involved in the selection .

The official recognition of the breed by felinological organizations began in 1968, when representatives of the CFF approved the Mau standard. Other organizations picked up the Egyptian “fever”: CFA (1977), TICA (1988), FIFe (1992). The new breed from the Land of the Pharaohs was also recognized by the lesser known ASC, ICU, WCF. For the registration of each cat, the records of the stud book about the origin and pedigree were used.

The Egyptian Mau returned to Europe in 1988. At the same time, on the initiative of Mau lovers, three official kennels were created. Now representatives of the breed are found in Belgium, Italy, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, France and Switzerland, although the number of breeders is still negligible. The lion’s share of catteries falls on America, which does not want to share achievements in the selection of Egyptian Mau. To acquire a smaller copy of an African predator is a rare success.

Video: Egyptian Mau

Appearance of the Egyptian Mau

Representatives of the breed have a distant resemblance to the Abyssinians , with the exception of a remarkable color. Despite their origin, the “Egyptians” do not look like typical oriental cats: their physique is more massive, but not without graceful lines.

The Egyptian Mau is a medium-sized, short-haired breed. The weight of animals varies depending on the sex. Cats are somewhat larger than their girlfriends: their weight is 4.5-6 and 3-4.5 kg, respectively.

Head and skull

Egyptian mau kitten
Egyptian mau kitten

The head of the animal looks like a small wedge with smooth outlines. There are no flat areas. The rounded forehead is marked with a characteristic point in the shape of the letter “M”. The contours of the skull are smoothed, there are no depressions or protrusions.


The muzzle of the Egyptian Mau “fits” into the lines of the head, perfectly balanced. It is characterized by the shape of a rounded wedge. Full cheeks are only acceptable in mature cats. The cheekbones are quite high. The stop is a smooth bend without kinks. The cat’s evenly wide nose is set at a slight angle to the forehead. There is a hump. The chin is small but strong. It is formed by small jaws. The latter can be pronounced in adult males.


sleepy kingdom
sleepy kingdom

The crown of the cat is crowned with “triangles” of medium and large sizes, continuing the line of the head. The ears of the Egyptian Mau are set on a wide base, set slightly forward, rather far from the center line. The tips are pointed, “brushes” are welcome. The ears are covered with short hair.


The slightly slanted eyes of the Egyptian Mau are distinguished by their wide set. The shape is an intermediate “stage” between round and almond-shaped. The iris is pigmented in a light shade of green. Amber eyes are characteristic only for representatives of the breed under the age of one and a half years. The Egyptian Mau has a surprised and funny look.


The short neck of the cat is smoothly curved. Strong muscles are felt under the skin – a more pronounced relief is characteristic of males. On the line of the ears towards the back of the head, a “scarab” is visible – a mark in the shape of the Latin letter W.

Egyptian Mau
Egyptian Mau muzzle


Egyptian Mau are animals with an elongated and elegant body, which does not spoil the developed muscular system. At the same time, a well-balanced body is preferable to large sizes (regardless of gender). Angled shoulders are more developed in cats than in cats. The back is straight. The belly is “decorated” with a fold of skin, which, according to felinologists, makes the movements of the Mau easier and more flexible.


The tail of the Egyptian Mau is of medium length, changing its width from the base to the cone-shaped tip of a dark shade.


Egyptian mau playing with a stick
Egyptian mau playing with a stick

The hind limbs of the Egyptian Mau are longer than the front ones. Despite this difference, the cat does not look stooped. The muscles and bones are strong, but mobile. The shape of the paws are round or oval. The toes on the hind legs are more elongated than those on the front. Their number also varies: four and five, respectively.


The Mau’s short coat lies close to the body. Despite its small thickness, it perfectly protects its owner from bad weather. The texture of the coat mainly depends on the color of the animal. Silver and bronze beauties are distinguished by a non-rigid fur coat, while smoky ones are more silky and smooth.


The Egyptian Mau standard provides for three color options.

  1. Silver – from a light color to a shade of medium saturation. The points are contrasted by a dark gray or black tint. Eye rims, lips and nose are pigmented black. The tips of the ears are dark. The neck, chin and space near the nostrils of the cat are covered with white hair.
  2. Bronze – a dark shade turns to a lighter belly, almost milky. The markings on the body and the tips of the ears are dark brown. The cream color is characteristic of the hair on the throat, chin, as well as the area near the tip of the muzzle and around the eyes. The back of the nose is painted in an ocher shade.
  3. Smoky – from dark gray to almost black. Visible silver undercoat. Points contrast with the main color.

Hair ticking is inherent in the first two types of colors, while in the third it is completely absent. The marks are predominantly round in shape.

Possible vices

graceful beauty
graceful beauty

The main defects of the Egyptian Mau breed are:

  • amber pigmentation of the iris in animals older than one and a half years;
  • long hair with a thick undercoat (like the “British” );
  • excessively small or large ears;
  • marks merging with each other;
  • full cheeks in females;
  • short and/or pointed muzzle;
  • small and/or round head;
  • points on the body in the form of stripes;
  • short and/or thin tail;
  • absence of spots on the abdomen;
  • undeveloped chin;
  • small eye size.

Disqualifying faults include:

  • lack of ticking in bronze and silver cats;
  • white points and / or “medallion” on the chest;
  • ticking in smoky animals;
  • wrong number of fingers;
  • testicles not descended into the scrotum;
  • atypical pigmentation of the eyes;
  • obvious deformations of the skeleton;
  • complete absence of spots;
  • amputated claws;
  • deafness

Photos of the Egyptian Mau

Character of the Egyptian Mau

The breed is famous not only for its spectacular beauty, but also for its cheerful disposition. These animals are clockwork toys that do not run on batteries, but at least with the help of a perpetual motion machine! The Egyptian Mau loves to try on different roles. In the morning, the cat skillfully pretends to be an alarm clock, during the day it prefers to be a tireless fidget, and in the evening it becomes a purring antidepressant. With such a wonderful friend, every minute will be a bright holiday!

Egyptian Mau with Abyssinian cat
Egyptian Mau with Abyssinian cat

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by inexhaustible energy and a curious mind that do not allow animals to sit in one place. Mau will certainly learn all the secret “moves” between the cabinets and the wall. Get ready to fish your pet out of the most unexpected hiding places: this spotted fidget will crawl everywhere where its curious face will fit. “Mobile” toys will help to direct the energy of the Egyptian Mau in a peaceful direction: ropes with a bow at the end or clockwork mice. Satisfying his hunting instinct, the cat will go on a well-deserved rest and give you a few minutes of peace.

Breeders note: this breed is one of the most devoted and loving. Egyptian Mau treat all family members with tenderness, but they consider one to be the owner. It is to this lucky cat that the cat is ready to give attention and love, but will never impose them. The spotted beauty will gladly luxuriate in your arms, but will move away at the first request. When taking an “Egyptian” into the house, it is worth considering: this is a proud and self-sufficient animal, and not a weak-willed meowing lump.

The breed cannot be called talkative: Mau give voice in exceptional cases (especially when it comes to treats). Cats rarely meow, prefer to communicate with the owner through purring and boast a whole palette of these sounds. During the period of the so-called sexual hunting, females are especially loud. In order to avoid operatic moans, it is recommended to sterilize a capricious lady so that she does not demand dates with a spotty gentleman.

High five!
High five!

Egyptian Mau tolerate loneliness well and will not mind your promotion. Sometimes a pet can get bored, but will not allow itself extravagant antics like continuous meowing under the door and grinding its claws on a favorite sofa. At these moments, the nobility of the ancient pharaohs is especially traced in the cat. Instead of foolish games with its own tail, the mau will jump on the highest cabinet and sit proudly until you return.

The activity of animals is significantly dulled after eating. It is followed by a healthy and sound sleep – an invariable ritual that is observed by most representatives of the breed. At the same time, it is important to give the pet a rest: from boredom and lack of energy, the cat will begin to eat and sleep more often, which will eventually turn it into a spotty and fairly plump “kolobok”.

Love for water is another unusual feature that distinguishes the “Egyptians” from the mustachioed brothers. This feeling manifests itself in different ways and depends on the nature of the cat. Some animals will gladly jump into a filled bath and rush in pursuit of drops, while others will limit themselves to a paw lowered into the water.

Egyptian Mau are quite friendly creatures, so it will not be difficult for them to find a common language with other pets. Cat or dog – it does not matter, but with the keeping of birds and rodents you will have to wait a little. Wild African cats rewarded their descendants with a thirst for hunting, so Mau can attack your little friend at any time.

This breed gets along well with families with children. A more playful friend is hard to imagine! However, don’t expect the Egyptian Mau to allow your child the liberties of swaddling and bottle feeding. The cat will prefer to proudly retire if it decides that the child is unceremoniously invading its personal space.

The Egyptian Mau is a suitable option for those who need a balanced friend. Despite the playful nature, the animal always behaves with dignity and restraint, as if it still lives in the pharaoh’s abode or serves as a “talisman” in the ancient Egyptian temple.

Egyptian Mau
Egyptian Mau silver color

Education and training

Egyptian Mau on a leash
Egyptian Mau on a leash

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by a unique intellect and impeccable manners, so they rarely need additional education. Mau owners have no difficulty in accustoming cats to a tray and a scratching post. Animals quickly understand what is expected of them. This greatly facilitates the process of training. Egyptian Mau are observant and smart, easily overcome obstacles and quickly get used to walking on a leash. If you wish, you can teach your pet simple commands: the cat will demonstrate their execution for a delicious treat.

Care and maintenance

Short-haired Egyptian Mau are picky in content, but be sure: to leave such a charming beauty untidy will not allow you to remorse. These cats are pretty good at grooming their own coat, but combing out the coat with a brush or Egyptian Mau mitt won’t hurt. Such a massage will not only give your pet a neat look, but also strengthen the hair follicles.

The breed is famous for its cleanliness, so many Mau owners do without water procedures at all (the exception is playing with mini-waves in the bath). However, before participating in the exhibition, it is recommended to bathe the pet with cat shampoo. For silver Mau, you can choose a tonic that will make the color more saturated and rid the coat of yellowness. After taking a bath – and it can take more than one hour because of the inexhaustible love of cats for water – eliminate the source of possible drafts so that the pet does not catch a cold.

Eye care for the Egyptian Mau is minimal. Due to the specific structure, they rarely water, and there are practically no discharges in the corners. The ears of the animal will have to be given more attention: in particular, they should be examined once a week and cleaned with a damp cotton pad as needed.

Egyptian Mau drinking tap water
Egyptian Mau drinking tap water

Oral hygiene is equally important. Once or twice a month, clean your cat’s teeth from plaque with a toothpaste (available at the pet store). Use a brush or nozzle; in extreme cases, a finger tightly wrapped in a bandage will also do. From time to time, you can please your pet with special treats, which, due to their hardness, carry out preventive cleaning of the teeth.

To create a neat “manicure” on the paws of the Egyptian Mau, use a nail cutter. After the procedure, it is necessary to smooth out sharp edges and notches with a nail file. To do this as infrequently as possible, teach your cat how to use a scratching post. Otherwise, it will become a piece of furniture.

Looking at the Egyptian Mau, it is hard to imagine that this graceful body hides a little gourmet and glutton. Representatives of the breed love to eat tasty food, so they do not control the amount of portions. This responsible mission lies with the owner, who must ensure that the pet moves actively, eats in moderation and remains just as graceful.

It is preferable to feed the animal with premium feed – dry or canned. In this case, ideally, you should pay attention to options designed specifically for the breed. Egyptian Mau often suffer from food allergies, so finding the right food can take months. If you are ready to pamper your cat often with homemade dishes, stock up on dietary meat, sea fish, offal, seasonal vegetables and fruits, as well as sources of calcium.

Remember: it is strictly forbidden to combine two feeding options – this is fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The Egyptian Mau should not be eaten:

  • fatty meat (pork or lamb);
  • spices (even in small quantities);
  • river fish in any form;
  • vegetables with a spicy taste;
  • dry dog ​​food;
  • legumes;
  • tubular bones;
  • milk;
  • liver;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts.

Since these cats are very mobile, it is necessary to provide them with access to clean and fresh water. Mau owners recommend using bottled Mau, noting the pickiness of the Egyptians. Animals have inherited from their wild ancestors an instinct by which they determine whether water is fit for consumption. To do this, the cat lowers its paw into the bowl and carefully tastes the liquid.

Health of the Egyptian Mau

The cats are resting
The cats are resting

Spotted Cleopatras are distinguished by strong immunity, therefore they rarely suffer from common “animal” ailments. In the middle of the 20th century, when the breed was just entering the international arena, its representatives suffered from asthma and cardiovascular diseases. However, breeders have worked hard to keep these occurrences to a minimum with each new litter. Now diseases are quite rare, but the vulnerability of the Egyptian Mau’s respiratory system has not disappeared. It is strongly recommended to protect your pet from smoke, dust and strong odors.

Allergy remains the main scourge of the breed. If red spots appear on your cat’s body, it is necessary to change her diet as soon as possible and consult a veterinarian for advice.

How to choose a kitten

Despite the active work on breeding Egyptian Mau, purebred individuals are extremely rare and only in specialized nurseries. Met a spotted beauty in an open sale? Do not rush to rejoice: probably, an ordinary “Murzik” is hiding under the characteristic color, for which they want to get a lot of money.

If you are applying for a bright representative of the breed, look for the official Egyptian Mau cattery and do not forget to sign up for the kittens from the future litter. Waiting for the birth of your friend, do not waste time: make inquiries about the breeder, if possible, contact his former clients, get acquainted with the achievements of the wards from this cattery. Often breeders put up for sale babies from related matings, so it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the full pedigree of kittens.

Little lumps are weaned from their mother at the age of three months, when they no longer need care and can fend for themselves. Looking closely at the kittens, pay attention to the most playful and active: he definitely feels great! The kid should be moderately well-fed and neat. Sticky hair, sour eyes, or accumulation of sulfur in the auricles – a reason to think: is it worth buying a kitten if he is unhealthy?

Pay attention to the feature that is unique to the Egyptian Mau. At two months old, kittens experience the appearance of fuzzing – rare and long hairs that make babies look like porcupines. This is not a breed defect, but only one of the stages in the formation of the coat.

Pictures of Egyptian Mau kittens

How much is the Egyptian Mau

The Egyptian Mau breed is one of the rarest and most expensive. The price of a cat starts from 900$. The more the animal meets the standard, the higher the cost. You can “save” only on black Egyptian Mau. Since the characteristic spots merge with the main color of the coat, such specimens are considered culled and are not allowed for breeding work and participation in exhibitions. However, if you are looking for a loyal and cheerful friend, a special color should not be an obstacle to acquiring an Egyptian Mau.

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