Mekong Bobtail
Other names: Thai Bobtail , Mekong Bobtail , Mekong
The Mekong Bobtail is a native cat breed from Southeast Asia. The pet is distinguished by a calm affectionate disposition and devotion.
Characteristics of Mekong Bobtail
Country of origin | Thailand |
Wool type | shorthair |
Height | 27–30 cm |
Weight | 2.5–4 kg |
Age | 20–25 years old |
Basic moments
- Mekong Bobtails are even-tempered, very sociable and intelligent cats that can become ideal companions.
- The breed has a number of “dog” habits, which attracts many buyers.
- The cat becomes attached to the owners, loves communication and tactile contact.
- The Mekong Bobtail is great as a sole pet, while at the same time he gets along well with cats and dogs. By virtue of instincts, the bobtail will definitely open the hunt for a rodent, bird or fish.
- Representatives of the breed get along well with kids and do not show aggression, therefore they are suitable for families with children.
- Mekong Bobtails are long-lived. With proper care, cats are able to please you with their company for a quarter of a century or even more, while they retain the ability to reproduce almost until the end of their lives.

The Mekong Bobtail is a short-haired, short-tailed cat. An elegant strong animal has a friendly character. An inquisitive pet becomes attached to all family members, gets along well with children, taking on the duties of a “home caretaker”. Despite the exotic appearance, the Mekong Bobtail does not require complex care and is distinguished by good health.
History of the Mekong Bobtail
The Mekong Bobtail originated in Southeast Asia. The breed was named after the Mekong River, which flows through Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. The word “bobtail” refers to the presence of a short tail. Initially, cats were called Siamese, then Thai, and only in 2003 they were called Mekong to avoid confusion with other breeds. One of the first descriptions of these cats belonged to Charles Darwin, who mentioned them in 1883 in his work “Change in Domestic Animals and Cultivated Plants”.
At home, the breed was considered royal. Thai Bobtails lived on the territory of temples and palaces. For a long time, protecting the breed, the Thais banned the export of cats. Mekong bobtails left the country extremely rarely and only as especially valuable gifts. Among the recipients were Nicholas II, the British ambassador Owen Gould and Anna Crawford, the governess of the children of the Siamese king. The breed came to Europe in 1884, to America in the 1890s.
There was a legend that Thai bobtails accompanied their noble owners even in baths – princesses left rings and bracelets on the twisted tails of cats during bath procedures. According to other legends, these pets were assigned to guard sacred vases in temples. From the effort made, the tails of the bobtails twirled, and the eyes became a little slanted.
For a long time, the breed went unnoticed, being considered a type of Siamese cat . For this reason, breeding for a long time was carried out along the path of culling individuals with short kinked tails. This trait has not been lost only thanks to individual Thai bobtail fans. Later, professional felinologists noted a significant difference in physique, ear setting, not to mention the naturally short tails.
Breeders took up systematic selection only in the 20th century. Russian breeders made a special contribution to the development of the breed. The first standard at the 1994 WCF meeting in St. Petersburg was proposed by Olga Sergeevna Mironova. In 1998, the requirements were adjusted at a meeting of the ICEI. In Russia, the final recognition of the breed took place in 2003 with the participation of the WCF commission. In 2004, the name was approved at the international level, the Mekong Bobtail received the MBT index. Crossing with other breeds is considered unacceptable, therefore, individuals exported from Asia are actively used for breeding.
Video: Mekong Bobtail
Appearance of the Mekong Bobtail
Mekong Bobtails are medium-sized, short-haired, color-pointed animals. Cats are much larger than cats, their weight is 3.5-4 kg and 2.5-3 kg, respectively. A distinctive feature of the bobtail is a short tail in the form of a brush or pompom. Puberty is reached by 5-6 months.
It has rounded, slightly elongated contours and medium length. The cheekbones are high, and the smooth transition of the “Roman” nose is below eye level. The muzzle is oval, without a stop in the vibrissa area. The chin is strong, located on the same vertical with the nose. In males, the cheekbones look wider, largely due to the extra skin.
Large, oval with almost straight set. In Mekong Bobtails, only blue eyes are allowed – the brighter, the better.
Mekong Bobtail Ears
Large, have a wide base and rounded tips, slightly tilted forward. When set high, the outer edge is slightly laid back. The intermediate distance must be less than the lower width of the ear.
Graceful, muscular, rectangular shape. The back is almost straight, and the increase towards the croup is insignificant.
Medium height, slender.
Small, have a clear oval contour. On the hind limbs, the claws do not retract, so when walking they can make a characteristic clatter.
The tail of the Mekong Bobtail is mobile, with a kink at the base. This is a unique combination of knots, hooks, creases for each animal. Length – at least 3 vertebrae, but not more than ¼ of the body. Preferably the presence of a “pouch” at the tip.
Mekong Bobtail Wool
Shiny and short, close to the body and loose at the same time. Undercoat is minimal. The skin throughout the body loosely fits the muscles, elastic (especially on the neck, back, cheeks).
All point colors with clear borders are allowed. The mask does not go to the back of the head and necessarily captures the whisker pads. There are no spots on the light belly. Kittens are born light, and the point appears with age, but the white color in adults is not allowed.
The classic color of the Mekong Bobtail is considered seal point or Siamese – wool from light cream to light brown, with dark brown areas in the area of \u200b\u200bthe paws, ears, tail and muzzle. The red point is recognized as the rarest – these cats have apricot hair, and the limbs and muzzle are reddish. Tortoiseshell and chocolate bobtails, as well as blue and tabby point pets are also in demand.
Personality of the Mekong Bobtail
Mekong bobtail cats are very inquisitive, so get ready for the fact that the pet will follow you everywhere, accompany you in all household chores, sleep in bed. Sociable animals make a lot of amazing purring-cooing sounds, commenting on their own actions and responding to the owner’s remarks. At the same time, they are quite restrained, do not allow themselves a violent manifestation of feelings. Representatives of this breed love when they communicate with him, often saying the name.
Mekong cats have “dog” habits: they like to carry things in their mouths, they are happy to execute the “Aport!” command, and they always run to inspect and sniff the guest. In the case of forced self-defense, they bite more often than use their claws. But because of the peaceful nature, it is not so easy to force a pet to defend itself. The Mekong Bobtail is patient with small children. These are devoted creatures that become attached to all family members and feel the mood of the owner well.
The breed easily gets along with other pets if they are also friendly. But before you start at the same time fish, birds or rodents, you should think carefully, because cats have an incredibly strong hunting instinct. Mekong bobtails tolerate car trips well, but each animal can have its own “speed limit”, if it is exceeded, the cat begins to meow loudly, informing the driver of discomfort. If you often travel in a car, it is worth accustoming your pet to this method of transportation as early as possible.
If you get two animals of different sexes, the cat will take over the leadership in the pair. She will closely monitor that the cat performs parental duties: accustoms the offspring to complementary foods, a scratching post, a tray, licks them. In such a situation, the owner practically does not have to deal with these issues.
Do not lock the animal in a separate room. The Mekong Bobtail is perfect for keeping in any family, it can be safely called a fluffy companion. Pets do not tolerate prolonged loneliness, which must be taken into account when deciding to get a cat.
Care and maintenance
The Mekong Bobtail is extremely easy to keep. His short smooth coat has almost no undercoat, molting goes unnoticed. It is enough to comb your pet with a soft massage brush once a week. It is worth buying a cat scratching post, but on the hind legs you can trim the claws manually. The procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage nearby vessels.
To prevent tartar, you can give the bobtail special solid food. Bathing is optional for this breed, but some cats love water. Bath procedures should be carried out no more than twice a month. In case of soiled wool, veterinary wet wipes can be an alternative. Mekong cats are clean, usually do not mark the territory, they easily get used to walking on a leash or on the owner’s shoulder. In the cold season, air baths should not be abused – bobtails are thermophilic.
The diet must be balanced. It may consist of natural products or premium feeds. It is not recommended to give milk, liver, pork, cabbage, beets, cod and pollock, food “from the table.” When choosing a natural diet, take care of the presence of vegetables and cereals in the menu (15-20% of the diet). Low-fat meat, dairy products are allowed. Once a week, you can please your pet with a quail egg or fish. In general, Mekong Bobtails are picky in terms of nutrition. The breed is not prone to obesity; it is enough to feed an adult animal twice a day, providing access to clean water.
Health and disease of the Mekong Bobtail
The breed is distinguished by good health, so it is usually enough to inspect the ears, eyes and teeth of a pet once a week. Periodic deworming and scheduled vaccinations are also required. Mekong Bobtails live about 20-25 years with proper care. The oldest cat of this breed is 38 years old.
Sometimes animals suffer from gingivitis, rhinotracheitis, chlamydia, microsporia, calcivirosis. In old age, some individuals develop arthritis or kidney failure, and in the absence of care, teeth fall out.
How to choose a kitten

The Mekong Bobtail is not a very popular breed, so it is important to take the choice of kennel seriously. You may have to queue for a kitten. Mekong Bobtails are born almost white, and point patches begin to appear at 3 months. It is during this period that the kids are ready to move to a new home. Finally, the color should form by the end of the first year of life. The kitten should be playful, with clear eyes, shiny coat and a good appetite. Also, the breeder is obliged to provide documents for the pet: veterinary passport, metric or pedigree.
How much is a mekong bobtail
You can buy an exhibition Mekong Bobtail kitten for about 500 – 900$. Cats usually cost more than cats. The price largely depends on the title of the parents. It is easy to buy a pet with external signs of the breed, but without documents, much cheaper – from 100$. Also, individuals that are considered culling are usually given inexpensively: white, with a too long or short tail.