Echinodorus paniculata
Echinodorus paniculata, scientific name Echinodorus paniculatus. This marsh plant is widely distributed in the tropical regions of Central and South America, from Mexico to northern Argentina, at an altitude of 0 to 1400 meters above sea level. It occurs everywhere in flooded sections of rivers, lakes, as well as ditches, trenches and near agricultural land (water meadows).
The name Echinodorus paniculatus has been known in the aquarium hobby for several decades, however, it has long been associated with another popular plant, Echinodorus grisebachii ‘Bleherae’.
True Echinodorus paniculata is rarely used as an aquarium plant, because it quickly grows out of the water, turning into a rather massive bush with large leaves on long petioles. There is an artificially bred decorative form of Echinodorus “Pantanal” (Echinodorus paniculatus “Pantanal”). In the underwater state, the bushes consist of narrow long ribbon-like dark green leaves collected in a rosette. As they grow and enter the air, the leaf blades change, acquiring a lanceolate shape, the petioles are strongly elongated.
Despite the appearance of an ornamental variety of this plant, it is still not in demand in the aquarium trade and is used mainly in botanical gardens in paludariums, in ponds in warm climates.