Echinodorus shovelfolia
Types of Aquarium Plants

Echinodorus shovelfolia

Echinodorus shovel-leaved, scientific name Echinodorus palifolius. This marsh plant is native to the eastern regions of Brazil. Regularly available commercially, however, it is often sold under the different name Echinodorus argentinensis (Echinodorus argentinensis), which in turn is a synonym for Echinodorus grandiflorus. The latter is rarely seen in the aquarium hobby. Such confusion leads to the fact that under the same name completely different and significantly different plants can be presented.

Echinodorus shovelfolia

True Echinodorus shovelfolia is able to grow both under water and on land in a humid environment or partially submerged in water. In the immersed state, the leaf blades can acquire a lanceolate or ovoid shape, the petioles are relatively short. Young shoots often acquire reddish hues. In the air, the leaves become oval, and the petioles increase and thicken, acquiring “ribs” for rigidity. Surface shoots are similar in appearance to Echinodorus cordifolius (Echinodorus cordifolius) and differ only in inflorescences. Echinodorus shovel-leaved flowers are 2-2,5 cm in size and with 12 pale yellow stamens and narrow petals, Echinodorus heart-leaved flowers are larger – up to 3 cm with 15-26 stamens.

For normal growth, warm, soft, slightly acidic water, nutrient soil and a high level of lighting are needed. It can be cultivated both in aquariums and in paludariums. In the latter case, the bushes grow up to half a meter in height. Under water, the plant is much smaller.

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