Chipping cats
Care and Maintenance

Chipping cats

Chipping cats

The main point of chipping have an embedded identifier. Hence the practical application.

  1. The chip is of interest to the tax service. Someday we will come to the conclusion that the owner of the animal will have to pay taxes.

  2. The chip is necessary in order to be able to transport the animal outside the country. Without it, it will no longer be possible to take a cat with you on vacation or take it away for permanent residence in far and even near abroad countries.

  3. The chip simplifies the appointment procedure at the veterinary clinic.

  4. The chip helps to identify the owner of the lost animal. Perhaps, this function interests the owners of cats and cats more than others.

Chipping cats

But don’t put too much hope on it. First, in order to be found, a lost or runaway cat must be caught by someone and brought to the veterinary clinic. And the clinic should have a scanner. In small veterinary rooms, as well as in provincial hospitals, this equipment is usually not available. so the chip this is just an additional chance, but not a guarantee of a happy return of the pet. However, sometimes this chance can be decisive.

There is one more point: if your pet (for example, an expensive and rare breed) was stolen, and the kidnapper was found, the chip will help the police to identify the real owner.

What does the chip show?

Date of birth of the animal, gender, breed, color. Data and phone of its owner.

What is a chip?

A thing comparable in size to a small bean. Chip length 13 mm diameter 2 mm. It contains a microcircuit with a 15-digit code, a receiver, a transmitter, a multi-turn antenna and a code memory unit. All this is enclosed in a sterile glass biocompatible capsule. The animal receives a unique number that will belong only to him all his life and will be included in the international database.

Chipping cats

How do you know if an animal is microchipped?

Only with the help of a special scanner.

How traumatic is the operation to implant the chip?

Less traumatic. Reminds me of a normal prick. The device is inserted into the withers, subcutaneously.

Where can a cat be microchipped?

In any clinic, having learned in advance whether there is appropriate equipment and the ability to immediately enter the chip number into the world database.

What is the lifespan of a chip?

It is assumed that 25 years should be enough for even the longest cat life.

February 7 2020

Updated: February 10, 2020

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