Why can’t cats eat sweets?
Why not” There are several reasons why a pet should be protected from sweets from the home table. The first is dental. The enamel of a cat’s teeth is about 10 times thinner…
How to choose a low-calorie cat food?
Causes of the problem Excess weight in a cat can be formed both from overeating and due to the influence of other factors. With food, it is clear: the animal should receive exactly…
Benefits of Taurine for Cats
Sources of It has been scientifically established that cats are unable to synthesize taurine on their own. Therefore, it is separately added to the diets intended for them. And this is easy to…
The rate of calcium in the cat’s diet
Deficiency and excess Calcium must be supplied to the pet’s body in a strictly defined amount. If it is not enough, then the animal begins to have health problems. For example, the deficiency…
Can cats fish?
Risk Factors So, what can threaten a pet eating fish? If it is raw, then the probability of infection of the animal with parasites is high. And they, in turn, can cause the…
Can cats have cheese?
Not that joy According to statistics, 86% of owners regularly treat their pets with something. And, unfortunately, they often give them the wrong products. Yes, the most popular “delicacy” is a piece of…
Can cats have milk?
False stereotype “Cats love milk” – this myth at one time became widespread thanks to fairy tales, cartoons and other works of art. In fact, an adult pet does not need this product…
Daily amount of water for a cat
Value The pet consists of 75% water in childhood and 60-70% in adulthood. And this is understandable, because water plays a crucial role in all key physiological processes in the body. Thus, water…
Salt in the diet of cats
Essential Fighters Table salt, also known as sodium chloride, is the main source of sodium and chlorine in the cat’s body. Both of these trace elements play a very significant role in the…
Medicated food for cats
At home, it is not easy to organize proper nutrition for a sick pet, but there is a way out – to use special therapeutic feeds. All major manufacturers have such lines of…