Bull Terrier
Dog Breeds

Bull Terrier

Characteristics of Bull Terrier

Country of originGreat Britain
The sizeaverage
Growthup to 53–56 cm at the withers
Weightfrom 16 to 22 kg
Age10–13 years old
FCI breed groupterriers
Bull Terrier Characteristics

Brief information

  • balanced;
  • calm;
  • friendly;
  • jealous.

The Bull Terrier is a medium-sized dog with a powerful, sculpted body. Differs in activity and mobility. The threatening appearance of the animal is just a mask. In fact, they are very friendly and calm. Bull Terriers rarely show aggression even towards strangers, so they are not recommended to purchase them to protect houses and apartments. They are very attached to the owner. Loneliness is not well tolerated.

Pros and Cons of Bull Terriers

The main advantages of this breed include:

  • loyalty and devotion;
  • endurance and strength;
  • friendliness;
  • love for children;
  • equilibrium;
  • boundless love for the owner.

There are also disadvantages:

  • the need for training;
  • intolerance to loneliness;
  • love for active games;
  • stubbornness;
  • the need for long and frequent walks;
  • prone to resentment and depression;
bull terrier

Description of the bull terrier

Bull Terriers are classified as medium-sized dogs. Their body is powerful and strong. The muscles are very well defined. Animals are flexible and active. Aggression is not characteristic of representatives of this breed. The prevailing opinion that they behave unfriendly towards people and other animals is erroneous.


The head of bull terriers has an unusual shape – it is egg-shaped. Set low. The forehead is completely flat. If you look at the dog in profile, then the line from the crown to the nose will form an arc. The stop is not clearly expressed.

The muzzle looks elongated and slightly lowered down. Such a profile is commonly called “Roman”. The skull of these animals is very strong. The nose is small, the nostrils are open, lowered down. Its color is always black. Lips dry, close fitting to teeth.

The jaws are very strong, especially the lower jaw. The bite is necessarily scissor-shaped. Any other type of bite is a significant defect. An adult should have 42 teeth in its mouth.

view of the muzzle of a bull terrier


The eyes of Bull Terriers are small and deep-set. The position is slanted. It is believed that they give the muzzle of the animal a characteristic expression. The shape is similar to a triangle.

The color of the iris, according to the standard, should be dark. Any light shade is considered a defect of the breed.


The ears are thin, erect, triangular in shape. Quite small in size. Set high and close together. The base is wide, the top is clearly pointed.

The hair on the ears is sparse and short. Inside, they are completely bald. The animal always carries them straight. According to the norms, they should not go down and fall off.


This part of the body in dogs of this breed always looks strong, but at the same time elegant. According to the standard, the neck should not be too thick and short. A slight bend is allowed. The nape is very clearly defined.


The body of the dog is powerful and strong. The muscles are clearly expressed. The torso is rounded. The chest is deep, with well-protruding ribs. The stretched body and extended loin in this breed is considered a clear defect.

If you look at the animal from the front, then its sternum will look very wide and low set. The back is strong and short. The ribs are barrel-shaped.

bull terrier body


The tail of the Bull Terrier is short in relation to the body. Set low. At the base – wide, towards the end – very narrowing. The coat on it is short, but dense. It is believed that the dog should carry it horizontally. The so-called “funny” tail for representatives of this breed is not preferred.


The limbs of these dogs are strong and strong. The shoulder blades are firmly attached to the chest.

The front legs are as stable as possible and widely spaced. Their length is average. When viewed from the front, the paws look parallel to each other.

The hind limbs look more powerful. Their knees are highly flexible. The paws are round in shape, the fingers are well spaced, mobile. Nails of medium length, moderately arched. Usually white.

view of the limbs of a bull terrier

Gait and movement

The Bull Terrier’s gait should be light and springy. Movement is free and confident. In the process of walking, the animal keeps evenly, does not collapse on either side. When the dog moves, its step resembles that of an athlete. Ambling is commonly seen in pets with disproportionate body parts. They are usually not purebred representatives of the breed.


The standard coat of the Bull Terrier is short and shiny. Quite hard to the touch. In winter, it becomes softer, due to the appearance of a slight undercoat. The line is insignificant. The skin adheres to the body very tightly, there are no folds.

photo of hair on the muzzle of a bull terrier close up


Initially, dogs of this breed were only pure white. Such pets were called – white English bull terrier. Gradually, the animals began to degenerate, and, to save the situation, breeders began to cross them with Staffordshire Bull Terriers. This led to the appearance of dogs with different types of colors.

The currently accepted colors are:

  • black;
  • red;
  • redheads;
  • fawn;
  • tricolor.

Dogs of blue and sand colors are undesirable. Mottling is a sign of a purebred breed.

If the bull terrier has a traditional white color, the presence of small spots on the head is acceptable. They can be of any color – black, fawn, red, etc. In colored dogs, pigmentation should cover about 50% of the entire body. White marks in this case are usually found on the head, neck, tail, belly.

Red and chestnut shades are very popular among dog breeders.

Size and weight

The breed standard has changed frequently. Now the height of dogs is considered to be optimal, equal to 53-56 cm. According to the norms, the weight should be from 16 to 22 kg. Females always look smaller.

There is also such a breed as a miniature bull terrier. Its parameters are more modest in size. An adult in this case is usually not higher than 35 cm at the withers, the weight of such an animal is not more than 30 kg.

The character of the bull terrier

Despite their fighting background, bull terriers are now increasingly used as companion dogs. These pets are very sociable and love to be the center of attention.

These dogs quickly become attached to one person. Separation from him they experience very painfully. It is not recommended to leave them alone for a long time. Out of boredom, the pet begins to spoil furniture, flooring, shoes. To prevent this from happening, you need to purchase as many special toys as possible for him. They are able to distract the dog for a while.

Bull Terriers are good with children. They endure noisy games and strong hugs. The pet is practically insensitive to pain. The only weak point is the nose.

the bull terrier is often used as a companion dog

Despite this, the child must be explained that teasing the dog is strictly prohibited. Having played out, the bull terrier can jump on a person. Given its heavy weight, this can end badly for the child.

It is a mistake to assume that bull terriers are unfriendly and capable of attacking the first comer. A properly educated dog is very friendly towards all people, even strangers. That is why it will be a big mistake to start it as a guard dog. He will calmly let thieves and intruders pass by him, since he does not see an enemy in any person.

These dogs have the following traits:

  • determination and courage;
  • loyalty;
  • energy;
  • endurance;
  • purposefulness.
The Bull Terrier is an energetic and hardy dog ​​breed.

Raising and training a bull terrier

Puppies should be trained from an early age. As soon as the dog has adapted to the new place, you can start training. It is wrong to think that these activities can be stressful for a young dog. Properly organized training will benefit a representative of any breed, and a bull terrier in particular. After all, such animals without proper education can become uncontrollable.

Under no circumstances should a puppy be allowed to:

  • beg for food;
  • sleep with the owner;
  • jump on people;
  • bark and howl loudly.

Qualitative training for representatives of this breed is very important. If the owner realized that he could not cope with this process on his own, then you need to contact the specialists. Letting the situation take its course is not recommended.

Bull Terriers are distinguished by enviable perseverance. They cannot be acquired by people with a weak will. A person who has absolutely no experience in training should also not buy such a puppy.

bull terrier puppies in training

Experts advise starting classes at home. Outdoor learning is the next stage of learning. Gradually, the dog will learn to follow the owner’s commands in any situation – this is the main task of training. Perseverance and discipline are the main means of learning .

Despite the fact that bull terriers are not very sensitive to pain, they should not be punished. Shouting while learning is also not recommended. Animals very well feel the change in the mood of the owner and may be offended or depressed. If the owner starts to beat the pet, then he will no longer trust him.

The Bull Terrier has a very strong grip. These dogs may not immediately open their jaws, even if they want to. Therefore, it is important for the owner of such a dog to know how to separate the teeth painlessly. Usually, a special stick-lever is used for this.

Rewards are extremely important for a pet. As a reward, you can use a treat or favorite toy.

The standard set of commands includes the following:

  • “Place”;
  • “To me”;
  • “Sit”;
  • “Voice”;
  • “Lie down”, etc.

Training should be carried out on a regular basis. Their duration is usually at least 25-30 minutes. If there is a desire to achieve a high-quality result, then they must be carried out at least twice a day.

All commands should be spoken loudly and clearly. It is categorically impossible to replace the usual command words with others. The dog gets used to specific sound combinations and is able to understand only them.

bull terrier with a toy in his mouth

Maintenance and care

Bull Terriers do not require any special kind of care. Their coat is short. To remove excess hairs, the owner needs to use a brush with stiff bristles. You can buy it in a specialized store. To simplify the process, some owners purchase a combing mitt. These dogs shed twice a year. It is during these periods that attention to wool should be increased.

Bull Terriers need to buy a large number of toys. It can be balls, bones, tweeters. If you do not acquire such products, then the pet may begin to spoil furniture, flooring, shoes, etc.

Physical activity is also important for a dog. If walking with a bull terrier is not enough, he will have a lot of energy left to start dirtying the house.

Such animals do not tolerate screams and scandals. Such behavior immediately affects their psyche. You should not sort out family relationships in the presence of a dog.

Trimming the nails should be given enough time, they grow quite quickly. To remove them, you should purchase special scissors or wire cutters. If the pet often walks on asphalt, then the claws usually grind off on their own.

Frequent bathing is not recommended for the Bull Terrier. Representatives of this breed are absolutely indifferent to such a procedure. The only advice is that it is imperative to use specialized cleansers.

bull terrier lies under the blanket

For a pet, you should purchase the following:

  • tray;
  • sunbed with interchangeable covers;
  • bowl for water and food.

You need to walk such a dog regularly – she needs to constantly throw out her energy. Park areas, forests, front gardens are perfect for this. Each walk should last at least half an hour.

If the eyes and ears do not cause discomfort to pets, then you should not clean them yourself. For this, it is better to contact a specialized clinic. Experienced veterinarians use for this special types of products that are not capable of harming the health of the dog.

For example, to remove wax from the ears of a bull terrier, they use solutions that do not need to be applied with a cotton swab. A special tube with a spout allows you to pour it into the animal’s ear completely painlessly. The remains of the composition are removed without human intervention. The dog shakes its head, and the cleanser is excreted along with the dirt.

Moderate accumulations in the corners of the eyes are considered the norm. You need to remove them with cotton pads only as needed. A referral to a specialist is required only if the dog has obvious signs of inflammation.

The bull terrier’s oral cavity is also cleaned as needed. Daily brushing of the jaw with a toothbrush is not recommended. It is best to bring your dog in for a professional cleaning at the veterinarian’s office. Only a specialist knows how to carry out the procedure painlessly, without harming the animal.

bull terrier sleeping on carpet


The nutrition of such a dog should be given special attention. Experts are sure that balanced dry food is ideal. They are very easy to use and inexpensive. You can buy them in large quantities at once – they will not deteriorate.

The acquisition of such food will allow:

  • do not worry about buying vitamin complexes;
  • save personal time of the owner;
  • do not think about where to store perishable products.

The diet of a pet depends on its age and activity. Young Bull Terriers are always extremely active. Therefore, he will need a lot of food.

Puppies eat food quite often – 4-6 times a day. Adults should switch to a two-time diet. Snacking is considered unacceptable.

bull terrier puppy eating food

Ideally, the dog should start eating at the same time. This will avoid various problems with the digestive system. Under no circumstances should you overfeed an animal. Bull Terriers are prone to obesity. If the weight of the pet is excessive, then its musculoskeletal system can be severely affected.

The dog can be accustomed to dry food after four weeks of life. Immediately transfer it to such food is not worth it. This should happen gradually. Experts advise for puppies to soak food in boiled water or broth.

To calculate the daily calorie intake for a dog of this breed, you can use the following formula – KSP (kcal) \u003d 30 x (weight, kg) + 70.

The manufacturer on the packaging of their dry food always indicates the calorie content. By examining this information in detail, you can accurately calculate how much food a bull terrier needs per day. Experts advise constantly buying food products from the same company. This will prevent your dog from having digestive problems.

Subject to the choice of dry food, it is imperative to buy a separate bowl for the dog for clean drinking water. Access to this dish should be around the clock.

Bull Terrier Health

The average lifespan of a Bull Terrier is 10-13 years. The health of such pets is stable. These animals tolerate cold well, thanks to the undercoat. They rarely get colds and hypothermia.

If the owner has found any alarming symptoms, then it is urgent to contact a specialist. An experienced veterinarian either diagnoses the disease himself or directs the dog for the necessary tests and examinations.

Teeth cleaning in dogs is a special topic. You should not do this with a regular brush and toothpaste, they should be specialized for dogs.

The Bull Terrier’s stool should be regular. If there are any problems with bowel movements, then you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

The most typical types of diseases of this breed experts include:

  • congenital deafness;
  • kidney failure;
  • heart diseases;
  • inversion of the eyelids;
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • allergic reactions;
  • oncology;
  • zinc deficiency.

Bull Terriers have thin, irritated skin. That is why the owner needs to protect his pet from numerous insect bites and allergic reactions. In addition, the animal in hot weather can get a sunburn. For this reason, you should not be with him for a long time in the open sun.

healthy bull terrier frolicking on the lawn


In the 50s of the 19th century in Great Britain, James Hinks decided to breed a new breed of dog – the white bull terrier. This animal appeared as a result of crossing a bulldog, a terrier and a Dalmatian. According to some versions, the dogs owe their long muzzle to the smooth-haired collie, who also took part in the selection process.

For the first time, such a dog was presented to the audience at an exhibition in 1862.

Bull Terriers are so hardy and insensitive to pain that this has allowed them to become one of the most sought after types of fighting dogs. As you know, at the beginning of the 19th century, such entertainments as dog fights were very common.

bull terrier in the park
Bull Terrier photo

The new breed has absorbed the best qualities of all the species participating in the selection – endurance, activity, muscle relief. The combination of these features made the breed very popular among the inhabitants of England. In those days, it was considered good form to keep such a dog in your house.

The first English Bull Terrier Club was founded in 1887.

Until 1900, all representatives of this breed were exclusively white. After that, pets of various colors began to appear. Initially, colored bull terriers were not officially recognized, but gradually they were no longer considered a marriage.

Today, the fighting past of this dog is completely forgotten. Modern specialists use such dogs for police service. There are many cases when these animals saved people. They won’t let go of a criminal’s throat even if I shoot at them.

Bull Terrier photo

Who is this breed for?

These dogs are very friendly and sociable. They can be safely purchased by couples with children of school age. If there is a baby in the house, you should not take a bull terrier. The main thing for a pet is active games. Therefore, for those who do not have the opportunity to devote enough time to outdoor walks and regular training, it is not recommended to buy such animals.

Training is very important for these animals. A person who has absolutely no experience with dogs should not have such a pet. Such a dog needs discipline and complete control. Otherwise, he will become stubborn and give the owner a lot of trouble.

People who buy a bull terrier need to be prepared for a negative attitude from others. Society mistakenly assigned the reputation of a killer dog to the beast. Often their owners hear indignant comments about the pet about the fact that the animal cannot be walked on the same site with other dogs. It is not necessary to explain to everyone you meet that he is wrong. The best way out is to find the most deserted places for a walk.

girl hugging a bull terrier

Famous owners

In ancient times, the owners of such dogs were exclusively noble persons. For example, the English Queen Anne. Her dog’s name was Dorothy.

American President Theodore Roosevelt also had great respect for this breed. His bull terrier Pete became world famous for tearing the French ambassador’s pants.

Of the modern lovers of such dogs, one can recall the domestic singer and performer Alexander Rosenbaum.

How to choose a puppy

First of all, when choosing a puppy, you need to clearly define the purpose for which the dog starts. If as a pet, then you can buy any healthy dog. To participate in exhibitions and competitions, you should buy a dog with a good pedigree.

The cost of a bull terrier directly depends on:

  • gender;
  • the presence of a pedigree;
  • parents;
  • places of purchase (nursery or private seller).

When examining an animal on its own, you need to pay attention to its head. In young representatives of this breed, it already has an elongated shape. The eyes of a healthy dog ​​are always clear and lively.

bull terrier puppy standing on the lawn

The belly of the pet should be soft, without any seals. Paws should be checked for the presence of all fingers. The legs are felt for fractures and dislocations.

It is imperative to ask who the parents of the puppy are. It is believed that only a young individual can give birth to healthy offspring – the female should be no older than eight years.

When choosing, you need to look at how the dog behaves. A puppy from the age of 1 month is already able to play and show interest in others. The dog should not be lethargic and inactive. The dog also should not hide from the new guest – bull terriers have been brave since childhood.

When purchasing an elite class puppy in a kennel, it is imperative to ask the breeder to present a veterinary passport and pedigree.

The gender of the animal is also extremely important. If there is no desire to care for puppies and look for their owners, then it is not recommended to purchase a female. Although it is worth considering that females are usually more affectionate towards all household members. Males often have a more stubborn disposition. It is more difficult to train them.

Photo of bull terrier puppies

Bull terrier price

The cost of a dog directly depends on its belonging to a certain class. Show class bull terriers are considered the most expensive. Their main function is to participate in exhibitions and demonstrate their positive qualities to the public. Usually the price tag of such a pet is 1000$ and more. Buy them only in specialized nurseries.

Breed category – dogs purchased for breeding – are cheaper. Their price tag is 800-1000$.

An ordinary healthy dog ​​can be bought for 500-800$. It can be purchased both in the nursery and from a private seller.

Bull Terrier Video

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