Breeding wavy parrots

Breeding wavy parrots

Breeding budgerigars is easy to organize at home.

First you need to prepare for breeding parrots at home.

Breeding wavy parrots

The female budgerigar lays the first egg approximately 10 days after mating. Then 1 egg per day is added until there are 4 to 8 eggs in the clutch. But incubation begins from the moment the first egg appears. Only the female incubates the chicks, the male at this time gets food and regurgitates food for the female. Do not disturb the birds unless absolutely necessary.

Breeding wavy parrots

 On the 18th day, chicks are born. A quiet squeak will notify you of this significant event. The chicks hatch approximately every 2 days, blind, naked and completely helpless. All this time, the female warms the babies and almost does not leave the nest. 

Breeding wavy parrots

As soon as the strengthened chicks can feed on their own, the female has a desire to quickly acquire new children, and she begins to mercilessly peck at the “older ones”. So it is better to plant young parrots. They usually leave the house 28 to 35 days after birth. Until about 38 – 42 days they are still fed by the male, but then they become completely independent. Do not allow a second laying immediately after the first. The female needs rest. Therefore, the house is simply removed.You might also be interested in: Organization of space for a parrot«

Breeding wavy parrots

Keep in mind that as soon as the first chick hatches, the female needs enhanced nutrition, so add foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals to her diet.

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