Boston Terrier
Characteristics of Boston Terrier
Country of origin | USA |
The size | Average |
Growth | 30–45 cm |
Weight | 7–12 kg |
Age | 15 years |
FCI breed group | decorative and companion dogs |
Brief information
- Energetic, playful and very cheerful;
- Sociable and friendly to others;
- Smart and self sufficient.
History of the breed
The homeland of the Boston Terrier is the city of Boston, Massachusetts in the United States. This breed is very young and fully studied. The Boston Terrier breed originates from a half-breed English Bulldog and English Terrier who came to live in Boston (USA) in the 1870s. A stocky and very temperamental ancestor had a strong character, a square head and an unusual level bite. He passed on his characteristic appearance and temperament to his puppies. Subsequently, his descendants interbred with each other, fixing special, pedigree traits.
The animals had a rounded head, for which they originally received the name round-headed boules. They were later called American Bull Terriers, but English Bull Terrier breeders rebelled and demanded that the breed be renamed to avoid confusion. So in 1893, the name Boston Terrier was finally assigned to these dogs.
By the twenties of the twentieth century, the popularity of Boston Terriers reached its maximum. “Gentlemen from Boston”, as these dogs were called, were favorites and companions of fashionable ladies. The Boston Terrier even lived in the White House with President Wilson.

Contrary to the fashion for dog fighting that was common at the time, the Boston Terrier was not bred for the purpose of participating in such competitions. The new breed was specially bred as a companion, a family dog that could be kept at home, taken with you on trips, and not be afraid to leave with children.
Subsequent breeders sought to improve the breed by infusing new blood. The Boston Terrier has been crossed with French Bulldog , Bull Terrier , and even Pit Bull and Boxer . Later, Old English White Terriers were used in breeding, which is why the Bostonian lost his angular features, but gained elegance. The breed standard was recognized in the 80s of the last century, since then the Boston Terrier has been steadily gaining popularity outside its homeland.
This elegant and friendly companion dog is considered the official breed of the United States and the New World. In Russia, it first appeared only in the early 2000s.
The Boston Terrier, like the Bulldog, has an unusually affectionate and friendly character. He is playful and cheerful. Dogs of this breed can rarely be found dreamily lying on the sofa, on the contrary, they run after the owner all the time, joyfully wagging their tail, always ready to catch a ball or jump over an obstacle in the form of a box or a stool. Bostonians, of course, are not as active as Jack Russell Terriers , but they are no less cheerful and fast. Representatives of this breed during early socialization do not experience difficulties in communicating with other dogs, they make good contact, are not aggressive, moderately prone to dominance.

The Boston Terrier is a dog ideal for family life, the breeders have strived to make this breed able to get along with people of all ages and abilities. For this reason, Bostonians quickly find a common language with both children and older people. Despite the fact that Boston Terriers are representatives of the group of decorative breeds, they are very smart and self-sufficient. Owners note the good memory of these dogs, quick and lively mind.
This breed is well trained if the training is in the form of a game, and the dog is praised for its success. Otherwise, the Bostonian may refuse to study, finding them boring and exhausting. Dogs of this breed can be left alone at home, but this should not be abused. Over time, attention deficit can lead to health problems, both mental and physical.

Description of the Boston Terrier
Outwardly, the Boston Terrier resembles a bulldog, but has a number of characteristic differences. Mainly, the absence of deep wrinkles on the muzzle and a more graceful appearance. This dog can be called decorative because of its compact size.
The dog’s head is square, with flat cheekbones and a large muzzle. The eyes are set wide apart, rounded and slightly protruding. Necessarily dark in color, more often brown. Visible whites and blue eyes are considered a defect. The ears, set high, stand wide and straight, and may be natural or cropped. The nose is broad and black. Jaws should be closed with an even bite, the breed is not characterized by a protruding lower jaw.

The muscular body is square in appearance. It is a strong and robust dog with a short and low set tail, straight or twisted into a corkscrew. The tail should not be carried above the line of the back and should not exceed a quarter of the length from the croup to the hock. A docked tail is considered a breed defect.
These dogs have a wide set of forelegs parallel to each other. The animal moves gracefully and smoothly, without transshipment, characteristic of bulldogs.
The short, glossy coat should be black, brindle, or dark brown, and always with large white markings (between the eyes, on the chest, “collar” or limbs). The coloring resembles a tuxedo: a dark back, paws and a white chest, which creates the illusion of a snow-white “shirt”.
Boston Terrier Care
The creases on the face of the Boston Terrier need to be cleaned every day, as dirt from the street and food particles can accumulate there. Also, dogs of this breed are prone to profuse salivation, which also needs to be wiped.
The eyes of Boston Terriers are open (that is, they are not set deep), so they are more susceptible to both mechanical damage and various infections. For this reason, the eyes of dogs of this breed need to be washed regularly.
Bostonians do not shed very intensively, but their coat still needs to be combed with special brushes.
Conditions of detention
An energetic Boston Terrier requires long and active walks, however, it is still better to refrain from them in winter. Firstly, dogs of this breed do not have an undercoat, and in cold weather they should be dressed warmly . Secondly, due to the structure of the respiratory tract, Bostonians are prone to colds. The short muzzle does not allow the body to warm up the cold outdoor air, which is why the dog gets sick. It is also necessary to ensure that the Boston Terrier does not overheat in hot weather.
Predisposition to disease
Boston Terriers easily catch viral diseases, and can also suffer from a number of more serious ailments. For example, they are predisposed to deafness, melanoma, atopic dermatitis, and cataracts. In addition, dogs can develop pyloric stenosis (narrowing of the opening between the stomach and duodenum), mastocyoma (mast cell cancer), hydrocephalus, or even a brain tumor. In some cases, dogs may develop a breathing problem (brachycephalic syndrome). Less often, dogs suffer from demodicosis (skin damage by a microscopic mite).
Boston Terrier prices
The price of Boston Terrier puppies depends on the category (show, pet or breed). About 1500$ will have to be paid for a reference purebred pet according to external data. Such dogs boast a good pedigree and are bred in only a few kennels throughout the country. Pet-category puppies with less ideal parameters will cost an average of 500$. If future owners do not plan to participate in exhibitions, then such a pet will be a suitable option for the role of a pet.
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