blue pearl
Aquarium Invertebrate Species

blue pearl

The Blue Pearl Shrimp (Neocaridina cf. zhanghjiajiensis “Blue Pearl”) belongs to the Atyidae family. Artificially bred, is the result of selection of closely related species. The most widespread in the Far East (China, Japan, South Korea). Adult individuals reach 3–3.5 cm, the color of the chitin cover is light blue. Life expectancy in favorable conditions is two or more years.

Shrimp Blue Pearl

blue pearl Blue pearl shrimp, scientific and trade name Neocaridina cf. zhanghjiajiensis ‘Blue Pearl’

Neocaridina cf. zhanghjiajiensis «Blue Pearl»

Shrimp Neocaridina cf. zhanghjiajiensis “Blue Pearl”, belongs to the family Atyidae


The small size of adults allows the Blue Pearl to be kept in small tanks of 5–10 liters. The design should include shelters in the form of grottoes, hollow tubes, and vessels. The shrimp will hide in them during molting. Safe for plants with enough food.

It accepts all types of food that aquarium fish consume (flakes, granules, meat products), as well as herbal supplements from slices of cucumber, spinach, carrots, lettuce.

Joint keeping is recommended only with members of the same species in order to avoid cross-breeding and the appearance of hybrid offspring.

Optimal conditions of detention

General hardness – 1-15°dGH

Value pH — 6.0–8.0

Temperature — 18-26°С

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