black crystal
Shrimp “Black Crystal”, English trade name Crystal black shrimp. It is a continuation of the breeding variety of the Red Crystal Shrimp, which in turn comes from the wild species Caridina logemanni (obsolete Caridina cantonensis). Appeared in nurseries in Southeast Asia in the 1990s
Shrimp “Black Crystal”
Shrimp “Black Crystal”, a selection variety of Shrimp Crystal (Caridina logemanni)
Crystal black shrimp
Paracaridina sp. ‘Princess Bee’, a breeding variety of Crystal Shrimp (Caridina logemanni)
The main distinguishing feature of this species is the black and white coloring of the chitinous cover. The panda shrimp, also a breeding form of Caridina logemanni, also has a similar coloration. Outwardly, they are almost identical, however, the genetic differences are huge.
The content is pretty simple. Shrimps prefer soft warm water. They need shelters in the form of thickets of plants if they are kept together with fish. As neighbors in the aquarium, it is advisable to select small-sized fish, such as Guppies, Rasboras, Danios, etc.
Omnivores, in the general aquariums will eat uneaten food residues. As a rule, a separate supply of feed is not required. If desired, you can purchase specialized food for shrimp.
General hardness – 4–20°dGH
Carbonate hardness – 0–6°dKH
Value pH — 6,0–7,5
Temperature – 16-29°C (comfortable 18-25°C)