bamboo shrimp
Aquarium Invertebrate Species

bamboo shrimp

The bamboo shrimp, scientific name Atyopsis spinipes, belongs to the Atyidae family. It is sometimes sold under the trade name Singapore Flower Shrimp. This species is notable for its agile, lively disposition and the ability to rapidly change color depending on mood and/or environment.

Quite a large species when compared with other aquarium shrimp. Adults reach about 9 cm. Coloration, as a rule, varies from yellow-brown to dark brown. However, under favorable conditions and in the absence of predators or other threats, they can take on bright red or beautiful azure blue hues.

 bamboo shrimp

It is a close relative of the filter feeder shrimp.

In an aquarium, they will occupy areas with little current in order to trap organic particles circulating in the water, on which they feed. Particles are captured using four modified front legs, similar to a fan. Also, everything that they can find at the bottom will be taken as food.

Bamboo shrimp are peaceful and get along well with other inhabitants of the aquarium, if they are not aggressive towards them.

The content is simple, distinguished by endurance and unpretentiousness to the environment. Often they are in the same conditions as Neocardina shrimp.

However, breeding occurs in brackish water. The larvae require salt water to survive, so they will not reproduce in a freshwater aquarium.

Optimal conditions of detention

General hardness – 1–10°GH

Value pH — 6.5–8.0

Temperature — 20–29°С

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