bee princess
The Princess Bee shrimp (Paracaridina sp. “Princess Bee”) belongs to the Atyidae family. Originating from Southeast Asia, commercial breeding was first established in Vietnam, later in Germany, as the shrimp fashion spread in Europe.
Shrimp Bee Princess
Prawn bee shrimp belongs to the family Atyidae
Paracaridin sp. «Princess Bee»
Paracaridina sp. “Princess Bee”, belongs to the family Atyidae
Maintenance and care
Unpretentious and hardy, does not require the creation of special conditions for its content. Successfully adapts to a wide range of pH and dGH values. However, soft slightly acidic water is preferred for breeding. The temperature must not exceed 26°C. Coexistence with peaceful small fish is acceptable, larger species will consider the shrimp as an additional source of food. The design of the aquarium should include areas with thickets of plants and places for shelters (snags, pieces of wood, heaps of stones, etc.).
The princess bee shrimp eats all types of food for aquarium fish: flakes, granules, frozen meat products. She picks up uneaten remains from the bottom, thereby clearing the soil from pollution. It also eats various organics, algae. Once a week, it is recommended to serve a small piece of a vegetable or fruit (potato, cucumber, carrot, apple, pear, lettuce, spinach, etc.) to avoid damage to ornamental plants. With a lack of food, shrimp can switch to them.
General hardness – 2–15°dGH
Value pH — 5.5–7.5
Temperature — 20–28°С