Bee bed
The Black Bee Shrimp (Caridina cf. cantonensis “Black Bee”) belongs to the Atyidae family. Originally from the Far East (Japan, China), is the result of artificial selection. The exact origin is not known, but apparently the first commercial samples were obtained in China.
Shrimp Black bee
Black bee shrimp, scientific and trade name Caridina cf. cantonensis ‘Black Bee’
Caridina cf. cantonensis «Black Bee»
Shrimp Caridina cf. cantonensis “Black Bee”, belongs to the family Atyidae
Maintenance and care
It is possible to keep both in a separate and in a common aquarium together with fish, provided that the latter do not belong to predatory and / or aggressive species, and also do not have large sizes. Otherwise, the Bee Shrimp will quickly become part of their diet.
It does not make special demands on its content, successfully adapts to a wide range of pH and dGH values, but successful reproduction occurs in soft, slightly acidic water. In the design, thickets of plants with shelters in the form of snags, tree roots, hollow tubes, and ceramic vessels are preferred.
They accept all types of fish food (flakes, granules). When kept in a common aquarium, they do not require separate food, they will eat leftover food. It is recommended to add herbal supplements in the form of slices of cucumber, potatoes, carrots, cabbage leaves, lettuce, spinach, apples and other homemade vegetables and fruits.
General hardness – 1–10°dGH
Value pH — 6.0–7.0
Temperature — 15–30°С