Dog Breeds


Characteristics of Beagle

Country of originGreat Britain
The sizeAverage
Growth33–40 cm
Weight10–15 kg
Age13–16 years old
FCI breed groupHounds and related breeds
Beagle Characteristics

Brief information

  • Smart, devoted;
  • hardy;
  • Attentive.

Pros and cons of beagles

The main advantages of the breed experts include:

  • no unpleasant odor;
  • short hair, not subject to molting;
  • friendliness (they make contact with both adults and children);
  • conflict-free (perfectly coexist with other pets);
  • cheerful disposition;
  • mobility and activity.

There are also disadvantages:

  • the need for proper training;
  • stubbornness and self-will;
  • intolerance to loneliness;
  • propensity to run away;
  • ringing and loud barking;
  • predisposition to fullness with malnutrition.

Beagle Description

The Beagle is a small dog, similar in appearance to the Foxhound , but smaller in size.


Completely in proportion to the body. It looks powerful, even rough, thanks to a slightly square shape. In females, it looks more elegant. The skin on the skull is smooth, without pronounced folds. The occipital protuberance in an adult is almost invisible. The forehead is convex and moderately voluminous.

The jaw is strong and well developed. Bite – scissor. This correct position of the jaws allows for a strong grip. For hunting dogs this is very important. The mouth should have 42 teeth. The incisors are set vertically. Fully dentition is formed by six months.

The muzzle is not pointed. Stop clearly divides the skull into two parts – from the nose to the back of the head. This becomes clearly visible when looking at the dog in profile.

The nose is usually black. Wide. Nostrils open, large. A duller shade is acceptable in animals with a light color. The breeze is moderate, the lips do not fit tightly to the jaw.


They should be brown or light brown. Large in size, planted shallow. According to the standards, if you look at the animal from the front, then the eyes and nose should form a triangle with equal sides. Eyelids dry, with obvious pigmentation.

beagle face


Usually soft, hanging (at the same time, according to the breed standard, they should reach the tip of the nose). The coat on them is short, but quite thick. Set on low and hanging down at the sides, close to the cheekbones.


This part of the dog’s body should be long enough to lower the muzzle to the ground and look for the trail. It features light suspension and good flexibility.


Well balanced. The line of the spine is straight and even.

The croup is moderately sloping. The body is muscular, smooth, of medium length, with a wide chest, tapering towards the stomach.

The loin is large but short.

The chest, according to the standard, should be lowered below the level of the elbows.

The abdomen is taut, not sagging. The muscles are well defined.

Males have two well-developed testicles, fully descended into the scrotum.

beagle body


Covered with dense wool, and very thick, forming a tassel at the end. Its length is relatively short compared to the body. According to the standard, the tail should be carried high, but not bent over the body. Experts say about such a tail: “The dog carries it” cheerfully “. It is this feature that is considered the trademark of the breed.


The paws are powerful, especially the hind legs. The fingers are small, crowded, with dense black pads. Claws are not long.

The front legs are straight and parallel to the body. Shoulders oblique, muscular. Elbows always look back. The distance from the elbow to the ground should be half the length of the withers of the dog.

The hind limbs are more powerful than the front ones, the hips are very well developed. The angle of the knees is clearly defined.

The paws are harmoniously combined with the body, the dog does not look disproportionate.

beagle's limbs


In the process of walking, the back does not look humpbacked or stooped. The step is very loose and light. Beagles never waddle. In the process of running, the animal is repelled by its hind legs, while the forelimbs are directed forward.

wool cover

In a healthy pet, it is shiny and thick. Rigidity is moderate. The undercoat is completely absent. Such a cover perfectly protects the animal from rain and snow, it is not saturated with moisture for a long time. This feature is characteristic of hunting dogs.

Short hair allows you to move freely through the forest, without clinging to the branches of shrubs and trees.


Any colors characteristic of the hounds are allowed, except for the liver. Tricolor is acceptable. The most common option is black and white and red. It can be considered traditional for representatives of this breed.

There may be dogs variegated, lemon-white, plain white. There are also colors that combine not three colors, but only two – black and white, white and red.

All types of colors, except for pure white, may have specks – very small dark spots. At the same time, according to the standard, the tip of the tail of the animal must always remain white – this is a sign that the animal belongs to a hunting breed. This feature is present in all dogs, regardless of the main color of the coat.

Size and weight

The height at the withers should be 33-40 cm. Weight ranges from 9 to 12 kg. Females are always smaller than males.

These indicators directly depend on the age of the pet. At birth, puppies weigh quite a bit – 250-400 grams. By two months, the difference between the weight of males and females becomes more noticeable.

Beagles reach their final weight by about a year. It is during this period that the main parameters of the animal should approach the standard ones. For proper weight gain, puppies need to be fed on a regular basis according to their age.

Deviations from the norm are considered defects. Only representatives of the breed that have a full set of characteristic features of the breed can participate in breeding.

The severity of the defect is determined by experts depending on how much this feature affects the development of the dog – physical and psychological.

adult beagle in the grass

Beagle character

Beagles seem to be very friendly and sweet. But do not forget that initially these are hunting dogs that need a serious attitude from the owners. They are very stubborn, and training is indispensable. Without proper attention and a firm hand, the beagle gets out of control. This is fraught not only with disobedience on the street, but also with damage to everything that comes into view of the dog. The irrepressible energy of the beagle can result in destruction, the scale of which can not only surprise, but shock unprepared owners.

beagle near a bush with flowers
beagle photo

But, if you spend enough time on raising and training a dog (they are reluctant to train, so you need a fair amount of patience on the part of the owner), you will get a friendly and devoted pet. He will get along well not only with all family members, including small children, but also with other animals in the house.

These dogs do not like to be alone. Aggression for representatives of this breed is not typical. If present, it is considered a defect.

These dogs are very devoted to their master and are always ready to protect him – cowardice is not characteristic of them.

Beagles are extremely active. In order to splash out their energy, the pet must regularly go for a walk. In the summer season, experts advise you to definitely take the dog to the forest.

Education and training

It is worth remembering that this breed was originally bred to hunt rabbits and hares. That is why the animal needs quality training, otherwise it can become naughty and stubborn. Beagle education must be dealt with in a timely manner, otherwise it will get out of control. Only a professional can help with re-education.

In the absence of proper attention, the pet will not only run away on the street, but also spoil things in the house – gnaw on shoes, furniture, flooring, etc. To prevent this from happening, you need to walk the dog at least three times a day. Walks should be active, the dog should be let off the leash, play outdoor games with him.

walk with the beagle

Since representatives of this breed are not very willing to be trained, the owner needs to be patient. Before you start a hunting dog in a city apartment, you should realistically assess your capabilities. Consider whether the animal will be able to receive proper attention and care.

Beagles often simply ignore their master’s commands. This is because hunting dogs tend to make their own decisions.

Representatives of this breed like to bark for a long time. Their voice is loud. You need to be prepared for this, it is not always possible to wean a dog from this.

You need to find the right approach to the pet, and he will quickly begin to execute the necessary commands. Professional trainers manage to teach beagles the most difficult tricks.

You need to pay attention to the animal constantly, breaks are unacceptable. The dog very quickly begins to feel freedom and becomes uncontrollable. Only with regular attention from the owner, a representative of this breed can become a good friend and companion.

Beagles should not be purchased by those people who have never kept dogs. A teenage child is also unlikely to be able to cope with such a pet. Beagles are the type of dog that needs to be given enough time.

The training process begins from the first days of the appearance of a puppy in the house and includes:

  • toilet training;
  • learning different commands.

The basic principle that should underlie training is consistency. It is unacceptable to start learning a new command until the previous one has been fully mastered. The main task of the owner is to achieve obedience from the dog. Such a dog, once disobeying and accepting this as the norm, will ignore the owner’s commands in the future.

beagle training

You need to start training only when the beagle is ready to accept commands. During a walk, pets like to carefully study the territory, sniff and explore the ground. Given this behavior, learning new commands does not make sense. The owner must wait until the beagle is ready for training.

You don’t have to train for very long. Training should last only as long as you can keep the dog’s attention. According to experts, this process should not exceed 30 minutes. The recommended amount is no more than twice a day. With a puppy, you should do 10-15 minutes.

In the process of training, it is necessary to use both rewards and punishments. The rewards are usually a treat or a toy, and the best punishment for a beagle is complete disregard on the part of the owner. It is necessary to scold the dog confidently and loudly. Punishment should follow immediately after the offense.

The dog needs to be weaned from the following things:

  • sleep with the owner;
  • damage furniture and other things;
  • bite and bark;
  • jump on people;
  • eat out of your own bowl.
beagle on a leash

Keeping and caring for beagles

Beagles are very clean and do not need special care. Short hair should be brushed no more than once a week. During the shedding period, combing with a soft brush can be done every day. Frequent bathing is also useless. The only thing worth paying attention to is the claws on the paws. They should be trimmed regularly . It is recommended to carry out this procedure once every two weeks. An active beagle living in a city apartment grinds its claws on the asphalt on walks. But this will not happen if the surrounding area is covered with predominantly soft ground.

Washing the dog is as follows:

  • pour warm water into the bath;
  • immerse the dog in it and wet the entire coat evenly;
  • add a small amount of water to a special shampoo;
  • distribute this mixture evenly over the dog’s body;
  • rinse well with warm water.

If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. At the end of bathing, the hair is carefully wiped with a terry towel. It is absolutely impossible to dry it with a hair dryer. To combat the smell of a dog, it is recommended to buy special types of detergents.

The ears also require special care. They need to be inspected daily (after each exit to the street) and cleaned with a swab dipped in an antiseptic. Excess fluid must be removed to avoid inflammation. According to the same principle, it is advised to remove secretions from the corners of the eyes daily, only instead of an antiseptic, you can use strong tea or chamomile decoction.

beagle on the couch

To care for your teeth, purchase a medium-hard brush, dog toothpaste or tooth powder. Brush your teeth several times a week, and ideally every day.

This breed of dog needs space. Ideal for them would be keeping in a country house with a large fenced area where you can frolic. But even in the apartment, he will feel comfortable if there is an opportunity to walk and run enough on the street.

With dogs of this breed, you will have to walk a lot. They need to throw out their energy somewhere, so frequent and long walks are not only desirable, but mandatory. Beagles love to run and are happy to explore the world around them, succumbing to their hunting instincts. For this reason, the owners should not let their pet out of sight, as it can get carried away by some trace and get lost. Once in nature, he often forgets all the learned commands, begins to chase cats, birds, collects all kinds of items.

The more time the beagle spends outside, the better he feels. His hunting qualities must be realized at least partially. You need to walk with him at least 2-3 times a day. It is advised to periodically arrange trips to nature for the pet so that he can throw out all the accumulated energy. If it is not possible to take a dog on a real hunt, you can stage it yourself with artificial prey.

beagle walking


Beagles are unpretentious in the choice of food, but despite this, the owner must clearly control the pet’s diet.

Experts advise choosing one type of food for the dog – either specialized food or natural food. Mixing both types of food is not recommended.

Dry food is the best option, since their composition is completely balanced. In this case, there is no need to purchase additional vitamin and mineral supplements. This type of nutrition will fully cover the needs of the animal’s body in nutrients. In addition, the cost of dry food is much lower than natural products.

You can buy such food with a large supply. It doesn’t spoil as fast as regular food. You can store packages outside the refrigerator. In addition, such food is easier to take with you on the road – it is ideal for owners who are fond of frequent trips and travels. This way of eating will help not only save money, but also the time of the owner – there is no need to stand at the stove for hours and prepare personal food for the pet.

beagle eats from a bowl

The diet should be very carefully composed. It is not recommended to overfeed dogs of this breed – they gain weight rapidly.

The daily diet of dry dog ​​food should be divided into several parts. In addition, there should always be clean water in the bowl in case the pet becomes thirsty. Dry food is recommended to be soaked in broth or boiled water before taking. This will aid in easy digestion.

Experts advise to teach the beagle to eat at the same time – this will allow the digestive system to work better. Do not give your dog more than the prescribed amount. Most often, the dog asks for supplements not because he is hungry, but because he wants to draw attention to himself. After 15-20 minutes after the start of the meal, the bowl can be removed – the dog has received its norm.

If the animal regularly overeats, then its weight will begin to increase rapidly. A well-fed beagle completely loses its natural qualities – it becomes clumsy and overweight.

In no case should you feed your dog according to the regimen. One piece received by the pet outside the main meal will be regarded by him as the norm. It will be difficult to wean the dog from this habit.

Do not choose dry food with a low price tag. Such food contains not high-quality meat, but meat waste. Sooner or later, this will lead to bad consequences – the dog will have health problems. It is better to buy food for a pet in a specialized store. Feed should be selected premium or super premium class. When buying, be sure to take into account the age and lifestyle of the dog.

High-quality dry food contains:

  • a large percentage of natural meat and vegetables;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • natural spices.

Such products should not contain dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers, starch.

Particular attention is paid to the nutrition of a pregnant female. The calorie content of her diet should be sufficient so that she can bear healthy puppies. For pregnant and lactating dogs, you can purchase a special type of dry food.

beagle waiting for a treat


Beagle dogs often suffer from:

  • Allergies. The immune system is designed to protect the body from infections, but an allergic reaction will adversely affect it. Such reactions are difficult to tolerate by animals. Allergens can be a huge number of, at first glance, harmless substances, up to molecules or proteins of animal and plant origin. The causes of allergies are pollen, mold spores, microscopic mites, flea saliva. Sometimes they are the components that make up the drugs.
  • Ear problems. They are physiological. Beagles have hanging, closed ears that are poorly ventilated and bacteria and dirt accumulate in them. Also, water can get into the ears and parasites crawl. All these factors contribute to the development of otitis media, which in turn leads to the destruction of the meninges. Therefore, it is important to regularly examine your pet’s ears and maintain their hygiene.
  • Hip dysplasia is a hereditary disease. In this diagnosis, the hip bone is loosely attached to the hip joint. Sometimes dysplasia does not bother the dog at all, in other cases it causes pain and lameness.
  • Cherry eye syndrome. This is the name of a reddish formation on the eyeball that occurs in the inner corner of the eye.
  • Glaucoma. Another eye disease characterized by increased eye pressure. Glaucoma causes pain, in the worst case, loss of vision.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy. With this pathology, dogs stop seeing in the dark, eventually losing their sight in the daytime.
  • epilepsy. Often inherited. Attacks are accompanied by unusual behavior (for example, uncontrolled running), convulsions.
  • infectious diseases. These include: distemper, enteritis, ringworm, leptospirosis. They are transmitted through contact with other animals.

Owners of beagles should carefully monitor the condition of their pet. If something unhealthy is noticed in his behavior, it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor.

healthy beagle

Origin of the breed

Where did the beagles come from, there is no unequivocal opinion. According to the ancient Greek historian Xenophon, even in ancient Greece there were hounds working on the trail. The ancestors of the beagles came to the British Isles thanks to the Romans. And already in foggy Albion, these “ancient” hounds crossed with local dogs. True, there are versions about hounds that existed in England before the arrival of the Romans, since the time of King Arthur. For example, Pwill, Prince of Wales, had a special breed of white hounds.

beagle standing in the grass

As a result, by the middle of the 18th century, two separate breeds were formed – the southern hound and the northern beagle. Moreover, until the 70s of the 19th century, beagles were called dogs that were completely different from today. Those Beagles looked more like straight-legged Bassets, with a head like a dachshund, black and red and white. These dogs possessed excellent hunting skills, only outwardly they were not very pretty. But this did not bother their owners at all.

It is believed that the ancestors of all modern Beagles is a pack collected by Parson Honeywood already in the middle of the 19th century. It was demonstrated to the general public in Essex. To date, in every known kennel there are descendants of breeds from that pack. It was then that the dog acquired a modern, familiar look to us.

Beagle photo

Who are beagles for?

This breed is great for hunters, as well as people who support outdoor activities.

Beagles are agile and friendly dogs. They need constant contact with people. For people who are often absent, they will not work. Left alone at home, the animals begin to misbehave – gnaw on furniture and shoes.

In the modern world, this dog is used not only as a companion during hunting, but also as a search engine, they can keep track for a long time.

the owner holds the beagle in her arms

Famous owners

Beagles were very fond of aristocrats and crowned persons. Elizabeth I and William III chose representatives of this breed for hunting, and George IV is even depicted on many canvases along with his lop-eared pets.

US President Lyndon Johnson is known to have had two beagles. Very famous is the photographic image, where a politician holds one of the favorites by the ears in a suspended state. After the publication of this picture, a terrible scandal erupted – the president was accused of dislike for animals.

How to choose a puppy

When choosing a puppy, it is necessary to clearly define what it is purchased for – hunting, exhibitions, or simply as a house dog.

The gender of the puppy is also important. Boughs should be purchased only if it is possible to raise puppies. Experts advise taking a small beagle from its mother at 1.5-2 months.

All representatives of this breed are usually divided into three classes:

  • pet;
  • brid;
  • show.
beagle puppies in a box

For owners who plan to regularly attend exhibitions and competitions, it is necessary to purchase a show class puppy. But it is worth understanding that such a beagle is several times more expensive than the others. To purchase such puppies, you should contact only an elite nursery.

A dog bred for real hunting is not suitable for exhibitions. This fact should be taken into account. Real hunters are very active and are not able to sit still even for a minute.

As a pet, you can buy any puppy. The most important thing is that he be physically and mentally healthy and not aggressive.

After examining the dog, you need to make sure that he does not have any diseases. Puppies always look pretty plump.

The behavior of monthly dogs can also tell a lot. Already at this age, characteristic qualities are visible – someone is active and plays with other puppies, and someone is hiding behind their mother.

Mentally healthy beagles immediately react to a new guest – they run up to him and begin to sniff.

The puppy’s coat should be even and smooth, without bald spots. Eyes must be clean, without discharge. Nose cold and wet.

The teeth also need to be examined. They should be clean and even, and the bite should be correct.

The puppy’s belly is always soft, and the existing seals may indicate the presence of an umbilical hernia.

Photos of beagle puppies

How much do beagles cost

The average price of a puppy is 350$. But from private individuals, a dog without a pedigree can be bought at half the price. Representative of the breed, able to participate in exhibitions (show class), will cost 700$. So, if you just need a companion, it makes sense to save money. But you should look for a dog for breeding in proven kennels.

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