Azolla pinnate
Azolla pinnata, scientific description of Azolla pinnata. It is widely distributed on the continents washed by the Indian Ocean: Africa, the Asian part of Eurasia, Australia and archipelagos. Grows in stagnant well-lit bodies of water rich in nutrients, such as lakes, swamps, ponds and rice fields (typical for
The fern consists of small plates dotted with small, slightly protruding scales. The color is green or with reddish tints. The plates themselves, unlike other Azolls, do not spread over the water, but are raised above it. A similar feature is reflected in the name of this species – “feathery”. The plates are interconnected and, under favorable conditions, can form dense clusters, filling the entire surface of the reservoir.
Azolla pinnate is easy to maintain, able to adapt to various conditions. For normal growth, it is enough to provide a high level of illumination. The only thing that is required is the regular removal of overgrown clusters.