Anatolian Shepherd Dog
Dog Breeds

Anatolian Shepherd Dog

Characteristics of Anatolian Shepherd Dog

Country of originTurkey
The sizeAverage
Growth66–76 cm
Weight46–68 kg
Age10–13 years old
FCI breed groupPinschers and Schnauzers, Molossians, Mountain and Swiss Cattle Dogs
Anatolian Shepherd Dog Characteristics

Brief information

  • Independent dogs;
  • Serious guards who know their job well;
  • Other breed names are Turkish Kangal, Karabash.


The Anatolian Shepherd Dog is a very ancient breed, its history goes back about 6 thousand years. Probably, the ancestors of the sheepdog are the hunting dogs of Mesopotamia. The breed was formed independently, with little human participation, the main factors in its development were the weather conditions of the Anatolian plateau: dry summers and severe cold winters. These dogs began to be used as guards and shepherds: they accompanied and protected flocks of sheep.

The Turkish Kangal is a pet of one owner, and it is not so easy to achieve the location of this majestic dog. He does not trust strangers and will never make contact first.

One of the main characteristics of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog is territorial attachment. Kangal will be an excellent guard, by which not a single uninvited guest will pass. Moreover, if the stranger does not respond to the barking and growling of the dog, the animal may resort to action – to bite the enemy.

The Anatolian Shepherd requires respect. Proud and calm representatives of the breed rarely show emotions and show their mood. These dogs need their own time. They do not require round-the-clock attention of the owner and know what to do in his absence.


Of course, the Anatolian Shepherd Dog needs a strong owner and a serious upbringing. Without control, the dog will quickly take on the role of leader. Representatives of the breed are prone to dominance. The training of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog should be carried out together with a cynologist. It is advisable to take a general training course, as well as a protective guard duty course if the dog is started as a guard.

The Anatolian Shepherd Dog is quite indifferent to other animals in the house, although it can compete with large relatives. In this case, much depends on the second dog, whether it is able to yield and compromise.

With children, the Anatolian Shepherd Dog is gentle and playful, but leaving the dog alone with them is still not recommended: after all, the animal is quite large and during the game it can accidentally crush the child.


The thick coat of the Anatolian Shepherd needs to be brushed once a week to prevent mats from forming. During the molting period, the dog is combed out with the help of a furminator. Otherwise, the pet does not require careful care, it is quite unpretentious.

Conditions of detention

The Anatolian Shepherd is not a pet dog. The pet can live in its own aviary on the site or be free-range.

Representatives of this breed need active training and running, so the constant stay on a leash is not suitable for this breed. Several times a week it is recommended to take the dog for a walk in the forest or in the park.

Anatolian Shepherd Dog – Video

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