Alapaha blue blood bulldog
Dog Breeds

Alapaha blue blood bulldog

Characteristics of Alapaha blue blood bulldog

Country of originUSA
The sizeLarge
Growth57-61 cm
Weight34–47 kg
Age12–15 years old
FCI breed groupNot recognized
Alapaha blue blood bulldog

Brief information

  • A very rare breed, today there are no more than 150 of its representatives in the world;
  • Responsible and balanced;
  • Very cautious and vigilant, completely distrustful of strangers.


The Alapaha Bulldog is one of the rarest dog breeds. There are only a few hundred of its representatives in the world, and the fate of the breed depends entirely on their owners.

The Alapaha Bulldog appeared in the USA. But his ancestors are not at all american bulldogs , as it might seem at first glance, but purebred english ones . The Alapaha Bulldog breeding program began in the 19th century with the Lane family. The father of the family wanted to restore a breed of dogs from the state of South Georgia, which were direct descendants of the English Bulldogs. The work of his life was continued by the children.

Interestingly, the first Alapaha bulldog, which is considered the ancestor of the breed, was called Otto. Therefore, the second name of the breed – bulldog Otto – in his honor.

Alapaha Bulldogs, like other representatives of this group of breeds, are increasingly being adopted today as companions, and also because of their protective qualities.

Otto Bulldogs are strong and courageous dogs. They are clearly distrustful of strangers, not letting them take a single step to their territory. But in the family circle, this is the kindest dog, which is distinguished by a calm and balanced temperament. They are loyal and loyal to their owner.

The Alapaha Bulldog is a real stubborn dog. If he decides to do something, be sure that he will achieve it. Persistence and purposefulness are one of the most striking character traits of any bulldog, and that is no exception. That is why dogs of this group of breeds need training so much. A beginner is unlikely to be able to cope with the upbringing of such a pet. If a bulldog is your first dog, it is better to immediately contact a professional. Lack of training will lead to the fact that the dog thinks he is the leader of the pack and will be uncontrollable.


The bulldog belongs to the fighting breeds of dogs, these animals were used in bull-baiting, hence the name, by the way. As a result, they can be quite aggressive. Communication between a bulldog and children should be strictly under the supervision of adults – leaving a dog alone with a child is unacceptable.

Otto gets along well with the animals in the house. He is indifferent to relatives, as long as they accept his rules and do not encroach on territory and toys.

Alapaha blue blood bulldog – Care

The Otto Bulldog has a short coat that does not require careful grooming. It is enough to wipe the dog once or twice a week with the palm of your hand or with a damp towel, thus removing the fallen hairs.

It is important to monitor the condition of the dog’s eyes, the cleanliness of the ears and the length of the claws, periodically visit the veterinarian for examination and cosmetic procedures.

Conditions of detention

The Alapaha Bulldog can live both in a private house and in a city apartment. In both cases, it is important to remember the need for regular training and sports with the dog. Bulldogs are prone to obesity, so it is recommended to feed the dog only high-quality food in accordance with the recommendations of the veterinarian.

Alapaha blue blood bulldog – video

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