10 photos of dogs and cats that sleep in incredible positions

10 photos of dogs and cats that sleep in incredible positions

Sleep is sacred! These 10 dogs and cats enjoy it in any position.

10 photos of dogs and cats that sleep in incredible positions

This cat does yoga in his sleep

10 photos of dogs and cats that sleep in incredible positions

Yes, he won’t need to stretch when he gets up!

This dog thought she was a tobacco chick

10 photos of dogs and cats that sleep in incredible positions

So appetizing!

Who does not dream of having a snack during sleep …

10 photos of dogs and cats that sleep in incredible positions

This cat even tastes the icing on the donut!

This dog yearns for its owner

10 photos of dogs and cats that sleep in incredible positions

Everyone deals with loneliness differently. Why not?

This cat has settled into his wigwam

10 photos of dogs and cats that sleep in incredible positions


These dogs are very attached to each other.

10 photos of dogs and cats that sleep in incredible positions

They’re so cute!

This cat is very cool!

10 photos of dogs and cats that sleep in incredible positions

He does not complex because of a small tummy!

This dog looks like an angel

10 photos of dogs and cats that sleep in incredible positions

She also has no complexes!

This dog does not worry if it interferes with the owner …

10 photos of dogs and cats that sleep in incredible positions

The dog is comfortable. But is the owner comfortable?

This cat sleeps in the air

10 photos of dogs and cats that sleep in incredible positions

He could have found a more comfortable place to sleep, but why not there…

Photos taken from social networks. Translated for Wikipet.ruYou might also be interested in:This cat makes faces and makes everyone laugh«

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