yellow shrimp
Yellow Fire Shrimp or Yellow Fire Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi “Yellow”), belongs to the Atyidae family, a beautiful variety of Fire Shrimp, the result of systematic selection. In some cases, when breeding at home, a reverse inversion occurs, when young individuals with a red color appear among the offspring.
yellow shrimp
Yellow shrimp belongs to the family Atyidae
Shrimp Yellow fire
Yellow fire shrimp, scientific name Neocaridina davidi “Yellow”, belongs to the family Palaemonidae
Maintenance and care
Compatible with other related species and small peaceful fish. It is worth avoiding sharing with large aggressive or predatory fish that can eat such a miniature shrimp (in adulthood it rarely exceeds 3.5 cm). The design should include shelters in the form of snags, intertwined tree roots, branches or decorative objects (a sunken ship, a castle, etc.). Plants are welcome.
They accept all types of food for aquarium fish: flakes, granules, frozen meat products, picking up uneaten leftovers from the bottom. In addition, they eat various organic matter and algae. With a lack of food, they can switch to plants, so to avoid this behavior once a week, you need to serve a small piece of a vegetable or fruit (zucchini, carrots, cucumber, lettuce, spinach, apple, pear, etc.). The piece should be replaced regularly every 5 to 7 days.
General hardness – 2–15°dGH
Value pH — 5.5–7.5
Temperature — 20–28°С