Will I never wear a helmet?

Will I never wear a helmet?

Will I never wear a helmet?

It’s no secret thatоMost of the Russian riders do not wear helmets. At competitions – yes, there is no escape from the rules – everyone is wearing helmets. Helmets are purchased for children – children’s safety is not called into question. Instructors do not allow good rentals for classes without helmets.

When a rider falls from a horse, the head is most often hit. The human skull can be broken when struck at speeds of 7 to 10 km/h, while horses gallop at speeds over 15 km/h. According to research conducted by the Brain Injury Alliance of Kentucky, three out of every five equestrian-related deaths were caused by brain injuries. The risk of non-life-threatening injury is four times higher for riders who ride without a helmet than for those who use them. Horses are responsible for more than half of all injuries caused by large animals, and about one third of them are brain or head injuries.

Will I never wear a helmet?

But what do riders usually say when asked if they wear a helmet?

1. I wear a bicycle helmet

Bicycle helmets are designed for cyclists. Rider helmets are designed to withstand falls from greater heights and at higher speeds, as well as to withstand the impact of a horse.

2. Helmets look terrible

This is no longer an argument these days. There are many models on the market that can satisfy riders with the most demanding taste.

Will I never wear a helmet?Will I never wear a helmet?

Will I never wear a helmet?Will I never wear a helmet?

3. I am a free cowboy and do not wear helmets (Western riders do not wear helmets). “Real” cowboys never neglected protection – chaps protected their legs, special stirrups – feet, gloves – hands, and they tied special scarves so as not to suffer from dust. If helmets like modern ones were available to cowboys, we believe they would definitely be in demand.

4. Helmets are uncomfortable

Yes, old-fashioned helmets were uncomfortable, but the equestrian industry does not stand still – materials and models have changed. In the face of fierce competition, helmet manufacturers strive to create products that are as comfortable as possible for riders (with anatomical breathable inserts, etc.).

5. Helmets are hot

Today’s riding helmets are made from lightweight materials and are well ventilated. Yes, of course, in hot weather they will be hotter than with an uncovered head, but it’s better to overheat your head a little than lose it, isn’t it?

6 Helmets Cause Headaches

If the helmet fits you (and modern helmets are remarkably adjustable, like helmets made by KER (Italy)), then the cause of the headache is most likely not the helmet, but the lack of water provoked by intense training.

7. The helmet will ruin my hair

Yes, it’s possible. A spoiled hairstyle is, of course, not aesthetically pleasing, but is your vanity worth risking your head? If you have long or thick hair, or like to wear a ponytail, this may affect the fit of your helmet. However, manufacturers have long provided for the appropriate enclosing structures – ask them!

8. I am an experienced rider

Research has shown that injured riders tend to be more experienced than non-injured riders. Practice shows that beginners behave more carefully and, accordingly, are less injured.

9. This is my head and I will drive the way I want

Yes, the head is definitely yours. However, by going to training without a helmet, you demonstrate to others that safety is not important. If you demand that your children wear a helmet, but do not wear a helmet yourself, then you show by your behavior that, after reaching a certain age, it will be possible to get the right to risk your health. If you drive a car, then you most likely cringe at the sight of bikers entering the track without the necessary protection. Think about how different you are from them?

Our head is like a watermelon. Try dropping one from a height of 2,5 meters and you’ll get an idea of ​​what can happen to a human head.

Denying the safety rules, we think about our theoretical convenience. We do not think about what a spectacle will appear to those who come to our aid. Perhaps your children or relatives will see a broken watermelon head? What kind of injury will they get? Who will take care of you if you become a “vegetable” after damaging your brain?

10. Helmets are expensive – I can’t afford this purchase.

Think about the high cost of a helmet the next time you order yourself a $5 coffee or go out for the next nth, unnecessary horse pad… The cost of an ASTM/SEI approved helmet is minimal compared to the cost of your health and life, with the cost of long-term medical care, which you may not even have to bear. Where would your horse be without you?

Take care of yourself! Think safety!

Valeria Smirnova, Maria Mitrofanova

Illustrations provided by consultants of the equestrian shop Prokoni shop

  • Will I never wear a helmet?
    Hare 16 2017 of August

    Ready to subscribe to every word. Fell off a horse at a gallop with her head without a helmet – severe concussion with memory loss. Changed my mind, now only in a helmet Answer

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