Why should a dog sniff

Why should a dog sniff

Some owners are annoyed by the habit of dogs sniffing, it seems, every tuft of grass, bush, tree, and in general any patch of land that is unremarkable from a human point of view. Why do dogs sniff and should a dog be allowed to sniff while walking?

Why should a dog sniff

Why do dogs sniff?

Dogs just need to get new experiences, without this, the mental health of the pet is impossible. Only in this case the dog will remain active, cheerful, balanced and generally prosperous.

Animals receive impressions with the help of sense organs, one of the most important sense organs of a dog is the nose. In fact, this is perhaps the main source of information about the world around us, because a huge part of the dog’s brain is responsible for the sense of smell. Even special training methods have been created based on “nose work” and aimed at restoring the dog’s psyche and developing its intelligence.

However, many owners, unfortunately, do not give the dog the opportunity to sniff. On walks, I often see how the owners tug on the leash and scold the pets who stopped to examine the tuft of grass they liked. And the dog, unable to satisfy the natural need, begins, in turn, to pull and pull the leash in order to at least sniff the ground in fits and starts, until the owner interferes.

Should I let my dog ​​sniff while walking?

The answer is unequivocal: yes, it is necessary to give the dog the opportunity to sniff during a walk and thereby satisfy its natural need. Stop from time to time and let your pet explore the smells, take him to a place where he can enjoy natural scents (for example, in a field or forest).

If possible and safe, let the dog off the leash, or at least take a leash at least 3 meters long so that the four-legged friend can walk a sufficient distance without pulling on the leash, and, for example, sniff the grass near the path.

But what if the dog can sniff endlessly, and right now you have absolutely no time to stop at every bush? Of course, everyone, even the most responsive owner, has moments when there is absolutely no time or right now there is no way to stop at this particular bush. 

There is a solution. Enter into use the command “Let’s go” and teach it to the dog. If you meet the needs of the dog, for example, by walking him enough and giving him the opportunity to explore the world around him, then you may well be able to negotiate with him when you do not have time to wait for the dog to explore this or that area of ​​interest to him. And having heard the command “Let’s go”, the pet will understand that right now it is worth following you. He will not protest – after all, you provide everything necessary for his well-being.

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