Why is the dog so happy to meet us

Why is the dog so happy to meet us

Almost every owner will say that whenever he comes home, the dog greets him with rapturous delight. For many people, such happiness when meeting even after a short separation is one of the advantages of dog ownership. Why are dogs so happy to meet us?

Firstly, a person for a dog is a safety base. In the presence of the owner (if affection is formed), the dog behaves more actively, explores the world around him more boldly and plays more willingly. And in the presence of a loved one, a four-legged friend feels more relaxed, which means that any reunion with us is a joy for the pet.

Secondly, owners are most often associated in dogs with pleasant things. For example, walks, games, delicious food and affection. And the return of man is also a kind of harbinger of these wonderful events. So the very presence of the owner becomes a reward for the dog. And who wouldn’t enjoy this?

In addition, dogs are social creatures and do not tolerate loneliness very well. They even prefer to sleep in the company of other creatures close to them, including people. Normally, dogs, of course, get used to being alone, but still, reunion with their beloved creature is a holiday for them every time.

With all this in mind, is it any wonder that dogs show such exuberant joy when meeting us?

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