Why is my kitten scratching everything

Why is my kitten scratching everything

Why is my kitten scratching everything

Sharp talons

Your kitten is growing – and so are his claws! Cats sharpen their claws to keep them healthy. Scratching is a natural way to mark territory and also stretch. In addition to claw marks, your cat also leaves a specific smell. All this helps her to mark her territory and feel calm in her possessions.

Don’t stop your kitten when he scratches anything – this is a natural healthy behavior. But it is quite obvious that you will want to keep your furniture intact. In this case, it is best to purchase a scratching post, and those that are wrapped in rope or covered with leather are more liked by kittens. Set up a scratching post in your kitten’s favorite room and show him how to use it. You can also rub it with catnip – your pet won’t be able to resist.

Your kitten’s nails are constantly growing, so you need to trim them every two months. Your veterinarian will be happy to do this for you or recommend special scissors if you decide to do it yourself. Be sure to ask your veterinarian how to safely clip your pet’s nails.

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