Why is my dog ​​sitting on me? Five possible reasons

Why is my dog ​​sitting on me? Five possible reasons

Have you ever wondered: “Why does the dog sit on me if there is a comfortable place nearby?” Is it just for fun or is there any particular reason why your dog sits or lies on you? The truth is that some dogs lie on you just for fun, while others are motivated to do so. Here are five reasons why your dog might sit in your arms instead of next to you, and tips on when to encourage and discourage this behavior.

Spread their scent

Some dogs sit in “your seat” on the couch or even roll around the couch to spread their scent and show that you belong to them. When they don’t feel like it’s enough, they mount you. Most owners don’t think about this behavior at first, but it’s important to understand if it happens systematically. If your pet does this after another dog has visited your home, or after he has gone outside, you need to give your pet a little more attention. A little extra attention will help your dog feel confident that he is still yours and can prevent unwanted “marks” from appearing in the house.

The behavior of a particular breed

Some breeds of dogs are very affectionate and feel the need to be around you all the time. Great Danes, for example, are considered gentle giants and are known to be especially fond of children. Thus, it is quite normal for a large dog to try to sit on a child’s lap to show him his devotion and protect his friend.

Dominance Confirmation

When you first meet a dog, you might ask yourself: maybe he sits on me to assert his dominance? If you recently got another dog, one of them may sit on your lap to declare that she is the boss. Sitting in people’s arms makes dogs feel taller and more in control. If you notice your dog barking or growling at other pets while sitting on your lap, this may be a sign that he feels the need to assert his dominance. If this behavior becomes frequent or aggressive, PetMD suggests it may be time to talk to a veterinarian about ways to address the issue. However, for most dogs, this behavior happens from time to time, so it’s not something to worry about.

They just want to have fun

Dogs sometimes sit on their owners just for fun. This may be accompanied by rolling on your lap and even playful squeals. Signs like this can be an excuse for a little play and flipping of your pet, which is why your dog is likely to lick you with happiness. So let her sit on your lap and have fun together!

cuddle time

After a long day at work or a stressful event, many dog ​​owners enjoy having their dog in their lap or in their arms. Dogs and people can spend precious moments together when relaxing on the couch. So instead of teaching your dog to lie next to you or on the floor, hug him and enjoy the time with your four-legged friend.

Dogs can lay on you for a variety of reasons, but one thing is for sure: having your dog around you makes every day better!

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