Why is chocolate dangerous for dogs?

Why is chocolate dangerous for dogs?

Is it true? Is chocolate poisonous to dogs? The answer is yes. However, the threat to your dog’s health depends on the type of chocolate, the size of the dog, and the amount of chocolate eaten. The ingredient in chocolate that is toxic to dogs is called theobromine. While theobromine is readily metabolized in humans, it is much more slowly metabolized in dogs and therefore accumulates to toxic concentrations in body tissues.

Size matters

A large dog needs to eat much more chocolate than a small dog to feel its negative effects. It is also important to remember that different types of chocolate contain different amounts of theobromine. Cocoa, baking chocolate, and dark chocolate have the highest theobromine content, while milk and white chocolate have the lowest.

A small amount of chocolate will probably only cause an upset stomach. The dog may vomit or have diarrhea. Consuming large amounts of chocolate will have more serious consequences. In sufficient amounts, theobromine can cause muscle tremors, seizures, irregular heartbeats, internal bleeding, or even a heart attack.

What to look for

The onset of theobromine poisoning is usually accompanied by extreme hyperactivity.

Don’t worry if your dog ate one candy bar or finished off the last piece of your chocolate bar – he didn’t get a large dose of theobromine that could be harmful. However, if you have a small breed dog and she ate a box of chocolates, she should be taken to the veterinary clinic immediately. And if you’re dealing with any amount of dark or bitter chocolate, take immediate action. The high content of theobromine in dark chocolate means that a very small amount is enough to poison a dog; only 25 grams is enough to cause poisoning in a dog weighing 20 kg.

The standard treatment for theobromine poisoning is to induce vomiting within two hours of eating chocolate. If you’re worried that your dog may have eaten too much chocolate, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian. In this situation, time is of the essence.

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