Why dogs bark: the main reasons
In fact, of course, dogs don’t bark for no reason—there’s always a reason. You also need to understand that there are breeds that bark more often than others. For example, many hunting dogs have been specifically bred to bark to frighten prey, so beagles, dachshunds, fox terriers, and other hunting breeds often use their voice. At the same time, for example, the Basenji, on the contrary, does not bark at all, but uses other sounds for communication.
If you do not like that your pet often barks, you should first understand the reasons for this behavior.

Mostly all dogs bark for one of the following reasons:
A warning
This is the most obvious reason. It is natural for a dog to bark when someone is standing at the door or when strangers pass by the house or car. So the dog warns of its presence and readiness to defend its territory and its owners. Such barking is usually sharp, loud and overbearing.
If your pet is barking for this reason alone, then you may not need to wean him from it, because such a warning can be very useful.
You may be surprised, but some dogs calm themselves by barking. If a dog is anxious about something—for example, because the owner leaves the house and leaves him alone—the dog may bark. This bark is usually high-pitched and may be accompanied by whining.
To correct this behavior, you first need to figure out what exactly causes anxiety in the dog. And, most likely, you will not be able to solve this problem on your own – you will need the help of a zoopsychologist or a cynologist.
To attract attention
This barking is usually unmistakable. So the dog is trying to draw your attention to himself, so that you, for example, play with him.
An overabundance of emotions
Usually puppies behave this way – they bark during the game from excitement and an overabundance of emotions. Older dogs may bark excitedly when called for a walk. This is how pets express their joy.
Reaction to other dogs
You can often come across such a scenario: one dog on the street or in a neighboring apartment began to bark, and after it all the dogs around joined in the barking.
If the dog is bored or lonely, he may begin to bark or howl. To fix this, you need to spend more time with the dog – walk with it longer, train it, play with it so that it splashes out all its energy, and rests at home, and does not bark. It can also help to buy new toys or have a second pet in the house so that they are not so bored together.
In any case, once you’ve identified the cause of your dog’s barking, you’ll need time and possibly professional help to sort it out. As a first step, you can consult online with a Petstory animal psychologist – he will tell you what should be done specifically in your case. You can sign up for a consultation in a mobile application, for downloading it
23 September 2020
Updated: 19 May 2022