Why does the giraffe have a long neck in terms of evolution

Why does the giraffe have a long neck in terms of evolution

Surely all readers at least once wondered why the giraffe has a long neck. And this is not surprising: having seen this gigantic animal thanks to its neck at least once, it is hard not to be impressed. What is the answer? As it turns out, there may be more than one!

Why does the giraffe have a long neck in terms of evolution

So, What does it say about the long neck of a giraffe? science?

  • explaining for children and adults why giraffe has a long neck most often argue that so it is easier for the animal to get food. Yet French naturalist Jean Baptiste Lemarque came to a similar conclusion. He suggested that giraffes diligently reached out to tree leaves and, accordingly, the individual that got further, ate more. And how to get around no long neck Especially in dry period. As usual, nature has made emphasis on such a useful feature, passing it on from generation to generation and improving – such a conclusion made Lemark. famous follower of this naturalist – Charles Darwin – agreed with him. A considerable number modern scientists, by the way, too in solidarity with their predecessors. But perhaps with the proviso that the long the neck was originally a product mutation that has been selected selection, proving to be very useful.
  • But other scientists doubt this theory. After all, giraffes calmly eat leaves, located more low. Really the need for neck lengthening was so strong? Or perhaps the reason is not getting food? Interesting fact: females have a much shorter neck than males. And the latter are actively used this part of the body during the mating season, fighting competitors. That is, use the head like a sledgehammer, trying to reach the neck to the weak enemy places. Как zoologists note, males with the most long neck usually win!
  • More one popular theory is that long neck is real salvation from overheating. Proved that the larger the body area, the faster heat evaporates from it. And, on the contrary, the larger the body, the more heat in it remains. The latter in the case of hot countries are not just undesirable, but catastrophic! Therefore, some Researchers believe that long the neck and legs help the giraffe to cool off. Opponents of such researchers, however, dispute this assertion. However it definitely has a right to Existence!

A brief excursion into the folk perception

Of course well, the long neck could not fail to impress ancient people who invented explanation for this phenomenon. Especially appreciated giraffe hunters who accustomed to observing the environment living creatures. They noticed that these representatives of the fauna are actively fighting with each other for the ladies’ attention. And use the long neck was written earlier. Therefore their neck became for hunters a symbol of stamina, strength, endurance. African tribes believed that he gave such an unusual neck this animal is a magician. By magic then a lot was explained.

The most interesting that the giraffe was considered at the same time also a symbol of calmness, gentleness. Guilty of this, presumably, the majestic the posture with which this animal is usually marches. And, of course, the impression majesty develops from behind the neck giraffe.

У some African tribes present the so-called “dance of the giraffe”. During of this dance, people not only moved in dance, but also sang and played the drums. They called for good luck, asked for protection from higher powers. It was believed that thanks to the high neck the giraffe can reach out to the gods – so said legend. Like, this animal can talk to deities, asking them for patronage, rejection of bad events. Therefore the giraffe was also considered the personification of wisdom.

INTERESTING: Of course, observation played a role. inhabitants of Africa – they saw that the giraffe can see enemies ahead of time. And that means you can save yourself from trouble.

After how the Chinese traveler and diplomat XIV-XV centuries, Zheng He brought a giraffe to his homeland, the Chinese immediately drew an analogy between this animal and Qilin. qilin is a mythical creature The Chinese are incredibly revered. Obut symbolized longevity, peace, wisdom. It seemed what about giraffes? While the description Qilin’s appearance was incredibly similar on a giraffe. Of course, all the qualities are right there projected.

That concerns Christianity, the followers this religion was seen in a long neck is a way of avoiding the earthly. That is, from temptations, fuss, unnecessary thoughts. About this animal was not in vain said even in Bible.

Giraffe, according to scientists, can grow up to 5,5 meters in height! Really amazing result. Seeing such handsome, it’s hard to forget even our contemporaries. What to say about people from older eras that experienced real superstitious reverence at the sight on this giant!

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